Essay by DontHate10 • September 6, 2013 • Essay • 1,090 Words (5 Pages) • 1,743 Views
STEP 1 - A
1. To what extent should personal religious beliefs impact our decisions about business ethics? Christian values should play a major role in one's decisions about business ethics. What most learned from the point of being socialized into their families and churches to when they began receiving formal educations and obtaining careers came from religious teachings and stories. These lessons gave us a ground to build on as we grow and ethical dilemmas become more difficult.
2. To what extent do your personal religious (or non-religious) beliefs about life impact your sense of business ethics and personal decision-making? Being a true Christian also means doing the most you can for the most people, being non-judgmental, and possessing an inner light that guides one to be more concerned about the world around us. For example, Romans 12:9 - 11 (KJV) advises one to "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord..." Keeping these ideals in mind will aid one in determining what is wrong and right in given situations. If one knows that their actions are going to be detrimental to the community, the environment, or other involved stakeholders then he or she should realize that they are making the wrong ethical choice.
3. Does it seem odd to connect every belief we have about life back to what we believe about God? Not at all, God created us in his image. As such, he wants us to care for his creations. Who better to receive advice on how to go about giving the proper care for the world, its residents, and its business than Him.
STEP 1 - B
1. Has your answers to either of the first two questions changed after reading Article 1?
It cannot be said that my religious beliefs will impact my business decisions any differently. However, it can be said that the conceptualization of the worldview house and its foundation and framework components has given me a different way to remained focused and adamant about maintaining high ethical standards. Also, the article helped clarify that my foundational presuppositions are not completely decided prior to birth and socialization, but rather are products that received their beginnings when life and meaning began.
2. Do you believe in absolute truth? Is there more than one way/religion to understanding absolute truth about God and the meaning of life? Most definitely, the teachings of the Lord give us, as Christians, knowledge of the existence of absolute truths. Simply put, as in John 17:17 (KJV), "Thy Word is truth." There is a right and a wrong and a good and an evil that is spelled out for us in situations. We cannot rely on our mere reaction to a situation, our feelings, or past experiences to guide us through ethical dilemmas. Our understanding that God exists as the only God, that he guides us, and would bring us no harm is a strong foundation for determining our actions