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Your Coursework

Essay by   •  November 19, 2012  •  Study Guide  •  527 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,545 Views

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You should consider the following in relation to your coursework for this module:

Conciseness: particularly relevance. Do not spend so long setting the background, that you never get round to answering the question. Always ask yourself how and whether what you are writing helps you answer the question

Clarity: layout and structure

Completeness: most important - do you actually answer the question?

References: Your work should be fully referenced.

In assessing your work your tutors are guided by the following:

70+ Analytical throughout. Strong and thorough focus on the question. Development of own ideas based on a wide range of literature and sources that have been critically analysed and assessed. Must be properly referenced and sourced. Demonstration of ability to set answer within a broader context and use of pertinent examples where appropriate to demonstrate more general principles. A well integrated, logically argued consistent piece of work.

60-70 Significant evidence of wider reading and clear identification of problems raised by the question. Critical discussion of most key areas of the question that makes good use of the literature.

50 -60 Largely analytical in nature (the more the balance shifts towards description, the nearer to the lower end of this range will be the mark). Will cover many of the key areas but could be some omissions and some minor errors.

40 - 50 Largely descriptive, basic answers with little evidence of further reading. A broad understanding of the subject area but possibly some confusion, inconsistencies or errors.

Below forty: limited reading. Inappropriate choice of content or theory and absence of critical, analytical thought. Major errors and/or misunderstanding of assignment.

9. Coursework submission - procedure

eSubmission is the approved method for your HUBS programme of study. You must hand in your assessed Assignment(s), for all modules that you are taking during the 2012/13 Academic Year using the eBridge system. Submission of a printed copy is NOT allowed. You should submit via the Assignments menu item on the relevant module eBridge site.

An assignment for eSubmission must be prepared using the HUBS Electronic Submission System Coursework Coversheet. This document is stored in MSWord and is available from the 'Making an Electronic Coursework Submission' folder of the Resources section on the Programme support eBridge site.

There are special versions of the Coursework Coversheet which you must use if you are making a group submission or if you



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