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Zakat Distribution in Melaka

Essay by   •  April 21, 2012  •  Case Study  •  510 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,903 Views

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This articles is about zakat distribution in Melaka.It was a combination ideas of four UITM EMBA students in UITM Melaka.The paper was written for the sake of Professor Madya Rahimah for the subjects Economic.Islamic Religious Council Melaka, also known as Majlis Agama Islam Melaka (MAIM) was established as a statutory body on 28th of September 1960 under the Enactment of Administration of The Religion of Islam (State of Malacca) 2002. Under this enactment, MAIM is to advise the DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong on all religious matters relating to Islam in the State of Malacca.

MAIM as a policy making body related to Islamic affairs particularly in the state of Mallacca, will supervise other religious companies such as Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka, Jabatan Mufti and many other agencies. Other than that, three main functions of MAIM are to handle matters related to Zakat, Waqaf and Baitulmal.

MAIM as the trustee body of Zakat is being responsible in distributing the collection of fund to the qualified receivers which are categorized into eight groups namely as fakir, miskin, muallaf, gharimin, fisabillilah, amil, riqab and ibnu sabil. In order to ensure its efficiency in the zakat affairs, MAIM has segregate its function with its subsidiary where by the function of zakat collection has been given to Pusat Zakat Melaka (PZM) as the colleting agent and the distribution function is solely under MAIM.

Subsidiary companies

MAIM has established numbers of subsidiary companies under its entity to broaden up its business and revenues. Amongst its subsidiaries are MAIM Holdings Bhd, Pusat Zakat, Melaka (PZM) and MAIM Bentara. Amongst these three companies, PZM has a very significant function whereby this is the agent which done the collection of zakat in the state of Malacca.

Pusat Zakat Melaka

Pusat Zakat Melaka was established in 1996. Islamic Religious Council Malacca (MAIM) through Pusat Zakat Melaka (PZM) was consigned to carry out tithe management professionally to collect and distribute zakat effectively to the eligible recepients with objective to make zakat as a catalyst to enhance the economy and cost of living of the Muslims in State Malacca.

Before PZM establishment, all related matters with zakat was performed by Lembaga Wakaf, Zakat and Baitumal (MAIM) which job scope are more focused in managing and distributing the zakat revenue based on stated Enactment on Pentadbiran Hukum Syarak (Negeri Melaka) 1959.

This enactment is designed to replace traditional methods in which the religious teachers are entrusted to collect and distribute zakat. In early 1993, more streamlined was introduced in terms of zakat collection even the scope of work is still retained. PZM has set up five branches, namely in Alor Gajah, Jasin, Merlimau, Melaka Tengah and the Graha Maju building to facilitate the public perform



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