"hegemony or Survival" by Noam Chomsky
Essay by people • January 4, 2012 • Essay • 1,236 Words (5 Pages) • 2,699 Views
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has recommended "Hegemony or Survival" by Noam Chomsky. Beside the well documented facts to support the argument, the real value of this book is in the way the author analyzes the purposes, methods, and behaviors of the United States in terms that are realistic, truthful, and entirely different from the ones we get in politician's speeches, in the news and in history books. The author in this book shows how the United States conveyed the world into a moment between privileges of power and the possibility of life on Earth, what are the risks on Earth because of this policy, and why US leaders want to expose the future of Human Kind to danger. Also, the author analyzes the American quest to dominate the world regardless of the sacrifices and losses, such as State terror, militarization of space, and voiding international agreements. It is a macroscopic examination of United States foreign policy from World War II to the post-Iraq War reconstruction. The essential focus of the book, as with many of Chomsky's political works, is the inspection of the United States' political, military and economic motives to its outward rhetorical support for democracy, the Middle-East peace process, free trade, and human rights. "Hegemony or Survival" is considered one of the most important books for Noam Chomsky. The author is known for his protestation against US foreign policy. This review will include a brief summary for each chapter, evaluation, comment, and assessment for the book.
Priorities and Prospects (Chapter One) _
This chapter starts with an argument by a senior biologist called Ernst Meyer who affirm that the history of life on earth refutes the claim that "it is better for you to be smart than to be stupid". The scientist gives the example of bacteria which are more successful than human in surviving, thus, human used their intelligence to destroy their life, and earth throughout history. Then, the book asserts that 2003 included many realist concerns of human survival blaming Bush administration for blocking effort of United Nations to ban militarization of outer space, which is a serious threat to survival. Also, the administration put an end for international negotiations concerning prevention of biological warfare, and ensured to invade Iraq despite popular opposition and relief organization warning of a humanitarian disaster if Iraq is invaded. Furthermore, the bush Administration helped in undermining the international efforts aimed at reducing risks surrounding environment. Also, the author mentions that in 2003, studies revealed that fear from the US has reached its peak all around the world covered with suspicion toward its rejection for the most basic human rights and its contempt for democracy. Then the author uses deep analyzes to uncover the totalitarian methods, hidden behind democracy mask, used by countries like US and Britain.
Imperial Grand Strategy (Chapter Two)