1,363 DEVELOPING LOCAL MARKETING INITIATIVES ORGANIC Essays: 1 - 25 (showing first 1,000 results)
Chapter 2: Developing Successful Marketing and Organizational Strategies
CHAPTER 2: DEVELOPING SUCCESSFUL MARKETING AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES I. Today's Organizations: Kinds, Levels and Teams A. Kinds of Organizations 1. A business firm is a privately owned organization that serves its customers in order to earn a profit. a. One goal of a business firm is profit, which is the: Reward for the risk it undertakes in marketing its offerings. Money left after a business firm's total expenses are subtracted from its total revenues. b.
Rating:Essay Length: 3,433 Words / 14 PagesSubmitted: October 11, 2011 -
Lessons to Be Learnt by Emerging Markets from Developed Financial Markets
Lessons to be learnt by emerging markets from developed financial markets Name: Course: University: Tutor: Date: Abstract The present regarded industrialized countries are seen to be much enjoying the benefits that the economy is offering. The so called first world countries have continued to experience faster economic growth because of the influence of the stronger and well established both financial and security market. The research paper in it's entirely, considers the lessons that the emerging
Rating:Essay Length: 1,637 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: July 22, 2012 -
Integrated Marketing Communications: Top 7 Steps for Developing a Marketing Communications Plan
Integrated Marketing Communications: Top 7 Steps for Developing a Marketing Communications Plan For those of you with marketing communications anxiety, here's a step-by-step guide to follow to create a plan. 1. Begin at the beginning. Marketing communications involves what you say about your business (message) and who you say it to (audience). Start your plan with this information. 2. Set objectives. This will give your plan focus. Make the objectives quantifiable and you'll be able
Rating:Essay Length: 301 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 10, 2013 -
Design History - Introduction to Cooking Stoves and Organic Fuels Development Projects
Rating:Essay Length: 2,099 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: March 9, 2011 -
Case Study Development on Road Side Seller in Rural Market
Assignment 01 Rural Marketing Case Study Development on Road side Seller in Rural Market Submitted To: Mr. Jeevan J. Arakal Submitted By: Group No. 08 Gautam Kumar Niharkanta Swain Nitesh Kumar Sashi Bhusan Kumar verma Sasmita Kumari Padhy Sontosh Kumar Nayak Sudhir Kumar Dash Introduction As part of the evaluation we have to complete a market survey project. We have conducted survey based on a checklist of questions
Rating:Essay Length: 2,244 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: June 28, 2011 -
L'oreal: A Real World Example - Market Driven Strategy for New Products Development in Focus
Market Driven Strategy for New Products Development in Focus L'Oreal: A Real World Example William Cruz Herzing University Market Driven Strategy for New Products Development in Focus L'Oreal: A Real World Example Market driven refers to a business orientation that is based on understanding and reacting to the preferences and behaviors of players within a given market structure. Market driven organizations are those organizations who uses supreme marketing, who understand the likes and dislikes of
Rating:Essay Length: 4,442 Words / 18 PagesSubmitted: August 25, 2011 -
Market-Driven Initiatives
Strategic marketing is one of the key components to a business. It plays an important role in designing and implementing the business's objectives and its performance. A business should be very responsive and competitive to market changes because of the current trend of dynamic markets and ever-changing innovation and technologies. Without strategic marketing, consumers could not be engaged to a brand, which will lead the business to be left far behind its competitors. In my
Rating:Essay Length: 280 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: September 26, 2011 -
Marketing an Important Part of the Business Organization
Marketing an important part of the business organization, it is more than promoting and selling a product. Marketing is satisfying the changing needs of the customer. This can be best summed up by the very successful businessman Bill Gates when he said, "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning ". The purpose of this paper is define marketing from at least two different sources, based on these definitions explain the importance of
Rating:Essay Length: 261 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: October 5, 2011 -
Organization Development by Donald R. Brown
I am studying at king saud university in business as administration management ( human resourse manegmant) I am living in Riyadh now I tack organization development course , training development course, operation management course, entrpurnar course, statistic course, finance course, international business course, management skill course, legal business enviroment course, leadership course, human resourse course, english course, communication skill course, marketting course, principles of management and business course, introduction to mathematics course, learning and thinking
Rating:Essay Length: 336 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2011 -
Role of the International Labor Organization in Management Development
ROLE OF THE INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION IN MANAGEMEN DEVELOPMENT Tackles about: *Needed: More and Better Managers *The Human Context of Management *Employers Organizations *Spreading Knowledge and Skills *Technical and Vocational Training Management Training in the Philippines *Establishment of Formal Business Schools National Manpower Development Program *National Manpower and Youth Council *National Manpower Plan *Administration of Training Programs *Industry Boards *Consultants and Technical Assistance Other Training Programs *Personnel Management Association of the Philippines *Philippines Society for
Rating:Essay Length: 766 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 2, 2012 -
Bond Market Development in Germany
The bond market of Germany (in terms of bond debt) is the world's third largest national market after such developed countries as the U.S. and Japan, with volume of 5.8 trillion. U.S. $ (December 2007, data of the Bank for International Settlements) Of those, over half of the debt falls on the bonds placed on the international market (mainly Eurobonds).And by many indicators Germany is the leader in Europe because the scale of the European
Rating:Essay Length: 1,468 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: March 25, 2012 -
The Development of Kids Market in Hospitality Industry
Nowadays, children are one of the most important consumers group in hospitality industry. "In the mid-1980s, perhaps one-third of major retail chains made some effort to target kids as a market. Today, that figure is closer to two-thirds and still growing." (James U. McNeal.1999) More and more hotels and resorts are finding that attract kids' attention is one of the most important way to attract customers. Considering the growth of the family travel industry, a
Rating:Essay Length: 252 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 1, 2012 -
Rural Development: Problem and Prospects in Local Government
Experience has however shown that most local government councils have woefully failed to do that. Certain reasons account for this state of affairs, among which are: in many instances those who do not reside permanently in the local government areas are either appointed or "elected" into local government Councils, hence they are out of tune with the existing conditions in their supposed locality; most of the "elected" local government officials administer Odukpani local government area
Rating:Essay Length: 717 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: July 29, 2012 -
The Analysis in Mongolian Stock Market Current Standing and Future Development
This thesis was the result of primary initiative, which leads to perform an academic work related with the stock market in Mongolia The essential way to improve the standing of the Mongolian stock market is to enhance the liquidity through some concerns included in literature review, such us extension of trading hours, market transparency and market liberalization or internationalization. Continual analysis of the market performance based on all usable data is important for more confidence
Rating:Essay Length: 358 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: September 23, 2012 -
An Analysis of Strengths and Growth Areas and an Individual Action Plan for Your Development at Your Current or Future Organization
Individual Assignment: An analysis of strengths and growth areas and an individual action plan for your development at your current or future organization: Keith Wheeler Boston University Author Note Keith Wheeler, Students, MBA Managing Individual and Organization, BU Correspondence regarding this paper should be addressed to: Keith Wheeler, BU, E-mail: An analysis of strengths and growth areas and an individual action plan for your development at your current or future organization: Introduction The purpose
Rating:Essay Length: 1,818 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: April 7, 2013 -
The Market Approach to Economic Development Has Proved the Most Successful
There are several different competing views of approaches to economic development and at present it appears that the 'market approach' is the most dominant of these. This approach may be defined as a model of economic development based on four principles: privately owned and controlled means of production; markets where goods and services can be freely bought and sold; local, national, and international free trade; and the passing of laws by governments guaranteeing business contracts
Rating:Essay Length: 560 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: August 22, 2013 -
Most Organizations Develop
Most organizations develop a Code of Ethics, which are guidelines for its managers and employees to follow to conduct their actions in accordance to the organizations primary values, ethical standards, and within the legal limits. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, for example the Enron Corporation scandal. Enron acted in an unethical manner by falsifying accounting information and misrepresenting accounting from its shareholders and analysts. This was one of the biggest accounting fraud cases
Rating:Essay Length: 765 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 3, 2013 -
Developing Marketing Mixes to Meet the Needs of Different Target Groups
Developing Marketing mixes to meet the needs of different target groups Table of Contents Developing Marketing mixes to meet the needs of different target groups Introduction Task 3 3.1 Explaining how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage 3.2 Explaining how a good distribution arrangement can provide customer convenience 3.3 Explaining how prices are set to reflect organizational objectives and market conditions 3.4 Illustrating how promotional activity can be integrated to achieve marketing objectives. 3.5
Rating:Essay Length: 2,584 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: June 5, 2015 -
Develop an Organization-Wide Policy Framework - Implementation Plan
Develop an Organization-Wide Policy Framework- Implementation Plan Anthony Madrigal IS4550 Unit 2 Lab 10 Jan 2016 1. What are the differences between a Flat and Hierarchical organizations? * Flat organizational structures are characterized by the following: Management structure is cross-functional and more open to employee input. Dialogue and communications between employees may occur across organizational functions. Employees tend to be more open and communicative. Employees tend to be more creative and involved in business decisions.
Rating:Essay Length: 941 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 23, 2016 -
Casino Capital - Necessary Conditions to Develop a Stock Market
CASINO CAPITAL Case Study: Casino Capital According to Choi and Meek (2011), “China has one-fifth of the world’s population, and market-oriented reforms have help generate rapid economic growth” (p. 101). These conditions of a ripe population and an emerging economy pose an opportunity to establish conditions to develop an efficient stock market. However, in a hybrid economy in which strategic commodities and industries are controlled by the state while a market oriented system governs other
Rating:Essay Length: 1,102 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 26, 2016 -
Global Marketing, Localized or Standardized Strategy Selection
When considering the marketing, product, and positioning strategies involved with taking a US based consumer product global, there are many variables to consider. Some key considerations include; the market's economy, political climate, legal system, and of course, there are cultural considerations (Levens, 2012). Of these, culture may have the most effect on how to market a product internationally. There are currently two schools of thought for international marketing, which are the adoption of a standardized
Rating:Essay Length: 698 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 7, 2017 -
How Was Jollibee Able to Build Its Dominant Position in Fast Food in the Philippines? What Sources of Competitive Advantage It Was Able to Develop Against McDonald’s in Its Home Market?
1.) How was Jollibee able to build its dominant position in fast food in the Philippines? What sources of competitive advantage it was able to develop against McDonald’s in its home market? Ans.) Jollibee was able to coup up very well during the oil crisis in 1977 with their innovative ideas. They have forecasted that the surge in oil price will have direct and adverse effect on the ice cream sector since the production costs
Rating:Essay Length: 1,062 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: May 28, 2017 -
Request for Sponsorship in Organizing Marketing Symposium at Comsats University Islamabad
COMSATS University Islamabad Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Tel: +92 (0)51 8318471, UFONE Date: 23-11-2018 ISLAMABAD Subject: Request for Sponsorship in Organizing Marketing Symposium at COMSATS University Islamabad Dear Sir, The COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), as you know, is a flagship project of the Commission on Science & Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS). It is an international and inter-governmental organization with a network of 16 International Science and Technology Centers of
Rating:Essay Length: 527 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 9, 2019 -
Philip Kotler - Principles of Marketing
Markets are changing fast. New markets are emerging, trading blocks are extending and communications channels about products and selling them are changing at a revolutionary pace. The signs of this change are everywhere in this text. Many people will use Principles of Marketing alongside its associated CD- ROM, Interactive Marketing. An increasing number of references are now Web- site addresses that anyone can access from their PC. Yet amid this turmoil some issues remain the
Rating:Essay Length: 593 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: October 10, 2010 -
Marketing Information System (mis)
Marketing information system (MIS) consists of people and procedures for assessing informational needs, developing the needed information and helping decision makers to use the information to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights. The steps are: 1)Assessing the information needs 2)Developing needed information from internal company databases, marketing intelligence activities & marketing research 3)Analyzing and using information to develop customer insights, make marketing decisions and manage customer relationships MIS provides information to the company's
Rating:Essay Length: 234 Words / 1 PagesSubmitted: November 26, 2010