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Work essays


178 Work Essays: 51 - 75

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Last update: December 15, 2015
  • Working the Diaspora: the Impact of African Labor on the Anglo-American World

    Working the Diaspora: the Impact of African Labor on the Anglo-American World

    Working the Diaspora: The impact of African labor on the Anglo-American World In the book, Working the Diaspora: The impact of African labor on the Anglo-American World, Frederick C. Knight exercises his study of the labor and culture practices of Africans in the colonial period through the antebellum south period. The book states that from the sixteenth to early-nineteenth century, four times more Africans than Europeans crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. While this

    Essay Length: 1,312 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: October 16, 2011 Essay by tpress
  • Work Is a Source of Satisfaction and Joy for Individuals

    Work Is a Source of Satisfaction and Joy for Individuals

    Work is a source of satisfaction and joy for individuals Introduction As a human being, our job takes a big amount of time of our lives. But since working does not necessarily have to be considered as a burden, this essay will discuss to what extent work can be a source of satisfaction and joy for individuals. In Section One, this essay will analyze the main reasons why people work by referring to Maslow's hierarchy

    Essay Length: 2,405 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: October 17, 2011 Essay by people
  • Describe How Typical the Attitudes That Sheehy Reports Appear to Be in Work Environments You Have Experienced

    Describe How Typical the Attitudes That Sheehy Reports Appear to Be in Work Environments You Have Experienced

    Describe how typical the attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in work environments you have experienced. The typical attitude that Sheehy reports are in the work environment that I have experienced also. I work in a truck stop with people who only do the actual work they were hired for when the managers are there keeping an eye on them. The attention that is payed to the customer is very minimal and frankly quite

    Essay Length: 1,189 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 25, 2011 Essay by janenejakenty
  • History of the Study of Organizational Behavior: Individual Work Motivation

    History of the Study of Organizational Behavior: Individual Work Motivation

    History of the Study of Organizational Behavior: Individual Work Motivation Maintaining a strong and motivated workforce is a big issue that many employers are now facing. The effects of September 11, 2001 have changed the way Americans work and the way corporations conduct business. Many employees prior to the event had very little to fear regarding their employment. Peoples savings were safe and retirement was something that was attainable by any hard working American. Since

    Essay Length: 1,242 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 12, 2011 Essay by feofotos
  • Past & Present Work Habits

    Past & Present Work Habits

    Being employed is the most common routine people have around the world. Just like fashion or technology it changed over time. In the early 80's there was few jobs to have, and very low salaries. There were no benefits, and there was not any insurance with work. Five to six days a week you would work. Strict dress code, blue jeans were not allowed, if you were a women you would have worn heals, stockings,

    Essay Length: 433 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 14, 2011 Essay by Rwhitley5
  • What Is Work

    What Is Work

    What Is Work? Over the last couple of weeks our class has been discussing the different definitions of work we have to day in our society. Since working is one of few necessities to survival it is a common thing and has been the main point of many lives for many generations. We are so familiar with the term, however when one is asked to define the word it becomes such a struggle. One can

    Essay Length: 1,911 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 3, 2011 Essay by people
  • Counterproductive Work Practices: The Range, Nature, and Management

    Counterproductive Work Practices: The Range, Nature, and Management

    1. Introduction Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) has been a major subject since the beginning of time. "A papyrus recovered from an Egyptian tomb describes how, over 2000 years ago, workers building monuments for the nobility walked off the job to protest their lack of pay." (MacLane, Walmsley, 2010, 62; citing Vernus, 2003). Although, in that time period, it was illegal to walk off a job and/or protest, they were just expressing a counterproductive work behavior

    Essay Length: 1,792 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 6, 2011 Essay by people
  • How Are Aesthetics and Function Combined to Create Fashion in the Work of Madeleine Vionnet and Jacqueline Durran?

    How Are Aesthetics and Function Combined to Create Fashion in the Work of Madeleine Vionnet and Jacqueline Durran?

    How Are Aesthetics and Function Combined to Create Fashion in The Work of Madeleine Vionnet and Jacqueline Durran? This Essay aims to compare and contrast the works of the esteemed designer Madeleine Vionnet and the admired, contemporary works of costume designer Jacqueline Durran. The nineteen thirties was a time of great change for women. Millicent Fawcett, the leader of the original suffragettes relentlessly attacked politicians, went on hunger strike and even burnt churches in protest

    Essay Length: 2,373 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: December 8, 2011 Essay by people
  • Novels and Literature Works

    Novels and Literature Works

    i am a student in a university and i want to have service in lietarure field, to get help and analysis of major literary works by different writers some novels such as Wasgington Square which is wrote by Henry James In this paper I am trying to treat an important issue which concerns the position and life of two subjugated classes, poor and women. By examining such an issue in Britain and Europe in 1880s

    Essay Length: 2,187 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: December 15, 2011 Essay by people
  • The Industry of Work Length Papers

    The Industry of Work Length Papers

    NaWhat is the market structure and competition situation of the smart phone industry? Who are MIUI's main competitors? Does MIUI have market power? Ted 2. Basing on the available information, please analyze the MR and MC analysis for all the players in the smart phone market. Does the MR and MC analysis confirm with our conclusion about the competition structure in question one? Why don't they fully compete with each other? Peng peng 3. Basing

    Essay Length: 427 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 25, 2011 Essay by people
  • Work Breakdown Structure (wbs)

    Work Breakdown Structure (wbs)

    Welcome to Week 1 of PM592 Project Cost and Schedule Control! The focus of this week is developing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and preparing cost estimates. We will use the WBS to specifically detail the tasks required to complete any project. The WBS is the starting document which several other project documents, such as the budget and schedule, will be derived from. As one of the foundations to our planning effort, it is critical

    Essay Length: 317 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 7, 2012 Essay by tnycowan
  • What Are the Three Key Things You Would Look for in a Good Leader at Work?

    What Are the Three Key Things You Would Look for in a Good Leader at Work?

    What are the three key things you would look for in a good leader at work? Conscientiousness. Good leader might have this ability as he has to be reliable ( he controls all the team and should be the person whom all the teammates trust), hard working (leader is very essential person in a team and he shouldn't be afraid of work), dependable (all the teammates have to be sure that if something happens or

    Essay Length: 288 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 10, 2012 Essay by people
  • Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper

    Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper

    Hypothetical working agreement paper Freydia, a 27-year-old mother, has lost two of her children, ages seven and nine. She is a drug addict, using crack-cocaine for the past four years. Child protective services have taken her children and placed them in her mother's care. Freydia has entered a drug program and states, "I want my children back." To achieve this goal, Freydia must work hard and be serious about sobriety. As the clinician, I will

    Essay Length: 1,551 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2012 Essay by people
  • Guidelines for Project Work

    Guidelines for Project Work

    * 1. The optimum No. of group members is4 and can have a maximum of 5. If the No. is more than 5, some individuals are likely to contribute nothing to the work. 2. In forming the group, it is natural that the friendship among the members becomes an important factor. But at the same time care should be taken to consider weak students in the class to form a mixture of students with theoretical

    Essay Length: 1,570 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 19, 2012 Essay by gayazul
  • Philosophy of Work

    Philosophy of Work

    Money makes the world go round. Actual "physical money" is something that is used by members of society to obtain goods and services needed for everyday life. Money is manufactured and accepted in countless different forms, making a well- functioned worldwide modern exchange system. But money is not an easy article to come by, in order to acquire a sufficient amount of money to support oneself and future family a person must work. In today's

    Essay Length: 758 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 19, 2012 Essay by people
  • Maria Montessori - Her Life and Work Outline

    Maria Montessori - Her Life and Work Outline

    Maria Montessori- Her Life and Work Outline Chapter One * Maria Montessori was born Chiaravalle on August 31, 1870. * It is said that she resembled her mother in appearance and temperament. She grew up in an affection and understanding environment. * Some people strongly believe that her method has children allowing them to do what they want. However, that is not was applied in Maria's home. * Her mother believed in discipline, it was

    Essay Length: 1,070 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 19, 2012 Essay by sweetcaligirl
  • Work Place Ethical Dilemma

    Work Place Ethical Dilemma

    Workplace Ethical Dilemma December 12, 2011 Kathleen Roberts Workplace Ethical Dilemma In society today both employers and employees alike will face ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Ethics is described as a branch of philosophy that deals with values relating to our conduct or behavior with respect to right or wrong. In a diverse workplace there will be occasions when ethics do not agree and ethical dilemmas arise. Each employee has a personal set of principles

    Essay Length: 1,143 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 21, 2012 Essay by people
  • This online Essay May Give Yousome Ideas to Work With

    This online Essay May Give Yousome Ideas to Work With

    This online essay may give yousome ideas to work with. The juvenile justice system and the adult justice system share their commonalities and differences. For example, the juvenile justice system makes it the point to rehabilitate instead of punishing juvenile delinquents. However, one must take into consideration that punishment is still a feasible concept within the juvenile system, but it is used prudently as a "last resort." In instances of punishment for a teenager who

    Essay Length: 378 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2012 Essay by people
  • Studying and Analyzing the Effect of Organization Culture on the Employee Work Attitude

    Studying and Analyzing the Effect of Organization Culture on the Employee Work Attitude

    Much has been written about Oil and gas industries in Egypt's and performs of organization working in this field. Many of the publications provide detailed analysis on one or more key aspects for growth and development of the business in Egypt. And it's clearly found that the Oil industries has been studied from the different aspects and terms to achieve improvement of this sector, so it is important to study organization culture and its impact

    Essay Length: 254 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2012 Essay by engfathi
  • Why I Chose Social Work

    Why I Chose Social Work

    I am drawn to child welfare because I am genuinely dedicated to the service of others, and more expressly to that of troubled or neglected youth. I believe in investing in the future of our children and see working in child welfare as an opportunity to support children and the family as a whole. The lack of healthy family structures evidenced in so many urban settings throughout the United States today both inspires and disturbs

    Essay Length: 293 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 27, 2012 Essay by people
  • My Work on Ift

    My Work on Ift

    S&P's Move Standard & Poor's downgraded the long term debt of the United States in a rating action on August 5, 2011 setting off a month of political jawboning and intense volatility across global equity, debt and commodity markets. Standard & Poor's is a credit rating agency. They rate the debt of various corporate and sovereign entities. Usually, the issuer of the debt pays S&P to rate the debt. Institutional investors across the world- mutual

    Essay Length: 995 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 31, 2012 Essay by people
  • Working Mom

    Working Mom

    While being a working mom can provide a better life and more opportunities for your child, being a stay at home mom creates more memories. Introduction I. Being a stay at home mom and a working mom both involve being a mom and making time for your child. A. Being a working mom creates less time to spend with your child 1. Using days off to rest instead of spending time with your child 2.

    Essay Length: 288 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 31, 2012 Essay by people
  • The Work of Leadership

    The Work of Leadership

    The Work of Leadership After reading the many different sections of this article, we were able to break it down into more comprehensive terms so our audience and ourselves could better understand it, and take new found information from it. The different sections were: Description of Leadership, Characteristics of the Work of Leadership, Identifying Six Principles of Leading Adaptive Work, Doing Adaptive Work at KPMG Netherlands, and Leadership as Learning. All of these are very

    Essay Length: 1,566 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 2, 2012 Essay by hdozier
  • How Have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, and Isolation to Attain

    How Have African-Americans Worked to End Segregation, Discrimination, and Isolation to Attain

    How have African-Americans worked to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain equality and civil rights? Situation of African-Americans Pre-Civil War Times The African American population in the north of America during 1860's was 1 percent post American Revolution. Since the start, they faced discrimination on the basis of their skin color. They were thought of as being inferior in comparison to the whites. Due to discrimination, they're not given the right to vote. The

    Essay Length: 2,752 Words / 12 Pages
    Submitted: February 14, 2012 Essay by puddah11
  • Working Around the Limitations of Biography

    Working Around the Limitations of Biography

    Working Around the Limitations of Biography There are many methods on how to research and record history, and historians worldwide will most likely never agree on one approach. Empiricism for instance, the historical school of thought that has been used by historians for almost 200 years, is both a theory of knowledge, an epistemology, as well as a method of historical enquiry.1 The theory's followers argued that historians should only use primary sources, those that

    Essay Length: 1,019 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 29, 2012 Essay by Sandrina13

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