360 Leadership Analysis
Essay by shanettep • November 5, 2012 • Essay • 845 Words (4 Pages) • 2,326 Views
360 leadership is all about developing influence. Which two principles hold the most promise for you in your organization? Why is that? Select two behaviors for each principle and describe in detail how you will implement them, with whom, and what are your intended outcomes?
In my organization, in any organization, I think the most valuable principles for me would be lead-up principles 'be willing to do what others won't' and 'be better tomorrow than you are today'. Those are two keys factors I incorporate into my lifestyle both personally and professionally. I think they are principles to live by because there is always room for improvement in all areas. We can't pretend to know it all and we must be willing to work to get to where we want to be. In my field there is plenty of room to display these principles.
When you're willing to go that extra mile that others aren't so willing to, it not only shows the people above you that you're a hard-worker but it gives those beside you a bar or a standard of sorts. In addition to those below you who have a guide to follow in order become a leader as well. To do so you must be willing to work in obscurity, not broadcasting or boasting on your time and efforts. Even your accomplishments must be obtained humbly because it's just a measure as to where you're going, not a reason to seek attention. As Hekman references the dictionary meaning of humility deriving from the Latin word humilis 'from the ground' "and thus the term ‗humble leadership 'literally means ‗leading from the ground' or ‗bottom-up leadership.'" With this kind of thought-process, it gives a sense of security to those around that they can trust you to not only get the job done but not be so anxious to take unworthy credit and recognize the effectiveness of team efforts. When I'm willing to work in obscurity I am also better at accomplishing my goals without the concern of who is judging my performance.
However, upon evaluation I must be able to accept responsibility for the good and bad in it all. This behavior of admitting my faults and never making excuses goes along with that processing of taking on more work than that which assigned. I think that's a part of the challenge. When you do take on that workload, I find that you must engage with your peers, leaders and even those "underneath" you because it does take that team effort to accomplish the task. In areas I'm unfamiliar with I'm forced to step out of my comfort zone and seek the help that I would not normally in order to complete that assignment that I've willingly taken on.
Which brings me to being better tomorrow than I am today, as I engage others in learning I not only increase my skill set but I let them know that we need one another to not just get by but to be successful.