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Adding Active Directory

Essay by   •  June 4, 2013  •  Essay  •  225 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,588 Views

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Unit 1 Assignment 1

Adding Active Directory

With the current system, and system administrators having to add users manually to each computer, utilizing Active Directory will be a significant improvement. Users will be added to the domain through the Administrative tools, where once added users will be able to utilize any workstation connected to the network. From the Users and Computers section, and by selecting the properties for a user, you can reset the password, set expiration for passwords, copy user accounts, move user accounts, set logon hours, disable or enable accounts, delete user accounts. Once converting to Active Directory, any users that are already added to the workgroup will be added to the domain and the users will still be able to log into their accounts. However, the Administrator will be responsible for creating user groups and adding each user to their appropriate group. Setting up the groups with the proper permissions and access to the appropriate files and folders will eliminate the needs to give the individual users their proper permissions and shares, as these will be inherited from the group they are placed in. From selecting properties and the selecting the security tab, Administrators will be able change the permissions for each folder and sub folders and files, and will be able to grant those permissions to any group and their subsequent users.



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