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Advancement of Technology

Essay by   •  December 20, 2011  •  Essay  •  537 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,605 Views

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Throughout history, the human civilization has always tried to advance and move forward. It's shown through inventions, ideas or developing new technologies to provide us with a better way of living. This may turn out to work in a way we never intended it to. We have come to an age where all we care about is ourselves, and the things that were meant to be beneficial to us actually may be doing the opposite. This response will examine the good as well as the bad of technology and inventions that humans have created.

One of the best inventions that was created is the home smoke detector. This was a solution to house fires to alert people that may be sleeping and otherwise unaware their house is on fire. They give people peace of mind and a sense of security.

Another thing that has been doing good and making peoples' lives easier is the GPS for automobiles. It has replaced the map which is bulky and who wants to carry maps around. The GPS makes it a lot easier to get from one destination to another, which is great for long trips.

The last one for pros of technology is the camera. So many families use cameras to capture moments that they want to have as keepsakes forever. If you ask what my grandfather's favorite things are he would say all the pictures he and family have taken over the years. The saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words.

There are also many examples of bad inventions and technologies. I think one of the worst ones ever is the weapons of mass destruction (WMD's). What purpose do they serve? Nuking an entire country and having the consequences remaining for hundreds of years. That is not what technology is for; it is for bettering people and making lives easier, not worse.

Another thing that is really unnecessary is the Segway. This might be one of the worst inventions ever. It just shows how lazy our culture has gotten that we can't even walk anymore. It is really just pathetic to know that someone with working legs takes something like that for granted.

The last technology that was probably meant for good has turned bad from my opinion. People are always complaining how they want their privacy from people and don't want to be intruded on but that is exactly what Twitter does. Anything that you post on the internet, anyone can easily get access to. The whole concept of letting people know what you're doing, about to do, or whatever it may be is just baffling to me.

So technology or new inventions are intended to be helpful to us, but may not always turn out like that. Everything can have two sides; somebody can say they are being used to do good while somebody else can say the complete opposite. Who is to say one is right or wrong, it's just how we perceive each thing and in which way we would be using the developing technology or new inventions.



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