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An Essay on Barriers of Communication

Essay by   •  December 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  651 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,013 Views

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. Communication helps the organizational members to make both personal and organizational goals. And also help them to co-ordinate on the internal activities of the organization. To the extent the less effective communication of any organization is the less effective its performance will be. In this respect the job of a manager cannot be ignored, because problems occur when directions are not clear. Every manager should be a good communicator. Because he is o. Always need goods example rice, sugar, bread, chase, cooked meat, ghee, fruit, cakes and sweats etc. product in local area and selling local area and the local markets area part of ordinary persons shopping in near market. This local market I can draw the company's pecking order like fallowing (figure no 5) Sources: www.pbt.cz/img/struktura-en.png Figure no 6 Market and operating figure 6. Managing organization communication Managing organization communication is a process of understanding higher level staff to lower level staff and lower level staff to higher level staff.... [tags: Communication] A study conducted by Melamed & Bozionelos (1992) revealed that height plays an important role in the promotion of a manager in United Kingdom. People usually consider themselves more impressive and authoritative if they are taller than their subjects or subordinates (Bull, 1987). Another study proved that smiling more frequently decreases the depression and stress (Freitas-Magalhães & Castro, 2009). Studies have also concluded that women are more familier with nonverbal communication (Agneta & Anthony, 2000).... [tags: Communication]

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Human Communication - ... It is so closely intertwined with self-concept that one feeds off the other, creating a harmonious understanding of both oneself and ones world" ("Intrapersonal and Interpersonal" p. 2). Both perception and self- Human Communication 4 concept are very important parts of intrapersonal communication, if one person was to only be on the inside just dealing with themselves and not ever going outside and meeting the outside world and the places and people it has to offer, one might never be able to find out the true meaning of harmony and will never know how to communicate with anyone if they so happen to find themselves somewhere that they have never been.... [tags: Communication]

:: 3 Works Cited But external noise can be things that are not heard, but felt. For example, if you are having a conversation outside and clouds begin to roll in and it begins to drizzle, this can be very distracting from the communication at hand. There is also internal noise, which occurs in the minds of senders-receivers when they are focused on something other than the communication that is taking place (Hybels & Weaver, 2007, pg. 11). Internal noise



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