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Baby Einsteins

Essay by   •  July 3, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  4,648 Words (19 Pages)  •  1,359 Views

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Baby Einsteins

“If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent read them more fairy tales” --Albert Einstein

The intelligence of toddlers is determined by the interaction the parents have with them during the child’s early stages of life. Researchers have found the interaction between parents and toddlers helps intelligence accumulate. Intelligence has been around for decades providing new innovations to the world around us. The meaning of intelligence is perceived in various ways to individuals with different mindsets. According to Universal Dictionary of the English Language says “revealing intelligence, indicating the exercise of mental activity.” The motivation for parents to interact with the toddler more will help them form new connections which will build up intelligence. Interactions are essential for toddlers to have to increased learning ability by the experiences they face. The first stages of a toddlers life are crucial when coming into the neural wiring required to have a fully developed brain. The current state of this topic is unknown, for various parents have different strategies to increase neural connections in a child. I believe interactions between child stimulate parts of the brain, for the parent is in charge for the different abilities children have obtained during life. Various books advise parents to communicate by reading, asking questions, and playing with the toddler to increase the overall intellectual capacity. Ruth Hurmence Green once said “today evolution of human intelligence has advanced where most of us are too smart to invent new goods but are reluctant to give up the old ones.” Parents of young children should engage in parent-child interaction to ensure advanced intelligence of the child before entering a preschool in order to increase learning abilities and IQ scores.

As the toddler’s brain where developing connections are wired to ensure the child’s mental capacity. The connections made during these first stages of life are affected by the experiences the toddler has been associated with. The many development processes a researcher has done says “your baby’s brain develops at every moment by giving her plenty to look at, touch, and listen to in order to reinforce neural connections” (Halsey 14). Parents showing the child various surrounding creates new wired connections to brain, so they strengthen previous connections. The neural wiring of the brain is full capacity of the baby during various experiences they have interacted with. The brain is a unique substance which contains various mysterious in which “new connections are made, and existing connections are strengthened by experiences with stories” (Silberg 9). The stories which are verbally or visually exhibited by the child can have a positive or negative affect. Stories hold a vital experience showing people moral, decision making and intellectual views. As stories are passed generation to generation all the experiences of the characters are interrupted in various ways strengthening connections between right and wrong. Neural connections are the key and strengthening of the brain which could be seen“through singing, dancing, suddling, rocking, talking, smelling, or tasting, you can encourage the pathways of children’s brains to make new connections” (Silberg 9). Parents should encourage the toddler’s intellectual capacity by engaging in fulfilling activities to nourish the brain. Engaging in activities which require movement and communication the toddler is enabling them to experience new situations to enhance mental thinking.

Reinforcement of the developing brain and the many continuous connections create during life, but for a child creating the connections are due to interactions with their parents. The mother is the source in which a child finds comfort stating “she creates a set of specific sensory stimuli which are translated into specific neural activities in areas of the developing brain” (Davies 44). The mother creates these sensory activities which help the developing brain grow which enhance new strengthened connections. The mother enlarges the toddler's ability to have a strengthened brain evolving their learning abilities. Neural connections for a toddler is an immense amount in which the toddler can have billions of neurons. The learning abilities of a toddler during their early stages of life are crucial stating toddlers “learn most quickly those things that are repeated often” (Halsey 14). Repetition of a certain activity to a child’s daily routine helps nourish the brain to form more complex wiring. A constant repeated routine the parents perform enhance growing connections of the toddler before they enter preschool. The correlation of parent interaction with their toddler states “maturation of the neural mechanisms involved in self- regulation is experience dependent, and embedded in the attachment relationship” (Lally 15). Neural mechanisms have wiring connected to the billions of neurons in the brain. The wiring connected to the neurons opens up attachments formed between the parent and the toddler.Attachments help form connections in the already developing brain, but toddlers can also experience love of the parent. The ability to communicate with their toddler ensures the response “when you talk and sing to, her, the neural pathways for language are reinforced, giving her a head start in understanding speech and communication” (Halsey 14). Language reinforcement starts with communication between parent and child in their first stages of life. As communication is formed the ability to understand speech at an early stage in life is possible. As a precaution parent should ensure daily interaction between the child to ensure the a great deal of strength for the brain, but develop strong attachments with the child.

We as humans learn from our actions in which others imitate to gather better results. The same goes for toddlers as they learn from their surroundings physical, environmental, and emotional. The many factors go along with this process contributing to our everyday learning. The earlier a child develops theses skills researchers say “early stimulation sets the stage for how children will continue to learn and interact with others throughout life” (Silberg 113). Interaction helps children learn and their ability to keep memories intact, so they help them in daily activities in life. Learning comes in many stages for a child setting different developing brain structures formation in a continues form during life. The benefits of early stimulation parents have learned “exposure to music improves spatial- temporal reasoning” (Silberg 14). Spatial temporal reasoning is the ability for child to disassemble a picture



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