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Basic Concepts of International Communication

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Basic Concepts of International Communication

February 27, 2012

This paper will cover some of the elements that are needed to be understood before deciding to expand a business internationally. To be able to successfully expand a fast food restaurant into Mexico, China, and London, you must first reflect the different values and cultures of these places regarding eating and food, social behaviors, work attitudes, and training needed to adjust to these cultures. In this paper these elements in addition to the ethical standards with which a business should operate will be discussed also. Another subject that I will discuss includes individualistic and collective attitudes of the people in the areas mentioned above. These attitudes will be then used to categorize each country's cultural behavior as either individualistic, collective, or a mixture of both. The theory of cultural shock will also be examines as well as techniques that can be utilized to lessen cultural shock.

The first elements to be examined are the cultures and values of each location in regards to their food preferences. In Mexico they believe that food, in all of its textures, colors, and flavors, is intended to be appreciated and shared with family and friends. In Mexico, a meal is an important way to create a bonding experience. The Mexican food culture today is diverse and appetizing (Mexican Culture, 1999). Corn is the most frequently used ingredient used in Mexican food and is also used in various forms for a vast range of meals, even candy. Some of the most commonly used spices used in Mexican food are cilantro, chiles, cinnamon, oregano, and chipotle. After the Chinese, Mexican food is considered to be one of the most diverse in the world.

The Chinese had to alter eating customs due to food scarcity. Because meat was limited meals were made using small quantities of meat combined with noodles or rice, which were both more abundant. Stir-frying is the most common method of cooking to conserve gas by quickly cooking food. The Chinese eat a variety of food that we (U.S) aren't familiar with, such as seaweed, snakes, cats, dogs, frogs, and shark fins. The main food in China is fan (rice) which also stands for meal. Rice is eaten many times a day and may be served with any dish. The most commonly eaten meat in China is chicken and pork even though they don't generally eat much meat. Vegetables play a key part in Chinese cooking as well (Food in Every Country: China, 2012). Food stays in the middle of the table instead of being passed around the table, and soup spoons and chopsticks are the customary eating utensils.

Now in London, they eat with a knife a fork, with the knife in the right hand and the fork on the left, otherwise known as continental style. Traditionally British food has been multicultural and has been based on lamb, chicken, fish, pork and beef and usually served with a vegetable and potatoes. The most typical cuisine eaten in Britain are roast and trifle dinners, fish and chips, Cornish pastries and some of their main meals have unusual names like Toad in the Hole and Bubble and Squeak. The main foods in London are fish, meat, flour, eggs butter and flour (British Life and Culture, 2012).

Social behaviors can contrast significantly from one culture to the next. Because there are several different societal intricacies and norms included in international business it's very important to examine these issues before obligating to expanding internationally. Some of the problems that involve social behavior that needs to be contemplated before taking on any international expansion project consist of work attitudes, customs, communication and ethical standards.

Communication in Mexico has a tendency to be subtle and indirect, and displayed in a non-confrontational and diplomatic manner. Meaning is expressed through less obvious verbal messages or by non-verbal forms of communications. Mexicans will frequently camouflage a "no" as a "possibly" or perhaps" with the purpose of avoiding offending the receiver and keeping the peace. When conducting business in Mexico, it's important to take an indirect approach with your Mexican employees because it will improve your business relationships. The time concept is interesting in the Mexican culture, which is usually unhurried and relaxed. This attitude is termed the manana attitude which is imbedded in the culture and can make us Westerners crazy, but should be respected instead of ridiculed. If you have a tendency to speak forcefully or quickly you should be aware of how you appear to the Mexican culture (Mexico Business Etiquette, Culture, & Manners, 2012). Among Mexican employees the group work ethic is dominate because it makes it challenging to contend against one another for excellence.

The Chinese culture is characterized by expressions of friendship, traditional protocols of politeness and so on. They also stress that a person should have an internalized personality, which is one that obtains its satisfaction from their own existence, not from close personal interactions. When first meeting, greetings are formal and the most common acknowledgement is the handshake and the elder is always acknowledged first. Most Chinese will look downward when greeting as a sign of respect (Social Norms, 2012) A unique characteristic about the Chinese is their work hard mentality. The Chinese worker will work very hard and for long hours at a time, with a high productivity rate. They hold value in their work and are devoted and are open to change. The Chinese will frequently update their knowledge, are quick learners and learn from their mistakes.

The English are said to be reserved in dress, speech and manner. They are well-known for their self-discipline, politeness and sense of humor. Privacy is important to the English, therefore staring intensely or asking personal questions should be avoided. The British are sticklers for following protocol and there is usually a proper way to behave in most situations. They are also more reserved in their hand gestures and body language when speaking and are



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