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Brochure of Machine

Essay by   •  March 20, 2017  •  Business Plan  •  4,833 Words (20 Pages)  •  1,135 Views

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Chapter 2


Section 1.0 Scope

The chapter covers general guidelines in the choices and design of industrial building. It includes safety rules and requirements for the various aspects of industrial buildings, and matters on machinery and equipment foundation designs,

Section 2.0 Plant Design Procedures

2.1 Basis of the Structure Design.

For industrial works, the utilization demand of the industry for which the building is to be used are of utmost importance in the design of building.

Aside from geographical location and economic consideration, the mechanical and electrical equipment requirements are extremely important for all modern buildings, particularly factories.

2.2 Requirements for number, size, location and height of rise for elevators with particular attention to penthouse dimensions and equipment loads.

a. General requirements for plumbing with particular attention to the location of soils, stacks, standpipes, main pumps, water-storage tanks and sprinkler systems.

b. If steam is to be produced within the buildings, requirements of the boiler room and accessories, such as fuel storage, the probable location of steam mains and ducts and their approximate sizes in order to avoid interference with a structure member of other utilities.

c. Typical lighting demands with particular attention to ceiling outlets as their proper locations may influence the framing of the building and the necessary space required for the electric conduits often affect the floor design.

d. For industrial buildings, all specific demands of the manufacturing processes such as special mechanical and electrical equipment of interior clearances should be identified.

Section 3.0 General Requirements

3.1 Space Requirements

a. Work Rooms (referring to maintenance shop and machine room) shall be at least 3 000 mm in height from floor ceiling.

b. The maximum number of persons working or will be working shall not exceed one person per 12 cubic meter. In calculating the working space requirement, no deduction shall be made for benches or other furniture , machines or materials but height exceeding 3 000 mm shall be excluded.

3.2 Crowding of floor Space

a. the floor space in the machine room shall strictly follow safety requirements and shall not be crowded with materials or products so as to constitute hazards to them.

b. Sufficient space shall be provided around the individual machine or process units to allow for normal operation, adjustments, ordinary repairs, and for material supplied, in process or completed.

3.3 Stumbling hazard

a. the part of floors over which any person is liable to work shall be sufficiently even to afford safe walking and safe trucking of materials.

b. Such parts shall be free from holes and splinters, improperly fitted covers for gutters of conduits, protruding nails and bolts, projecting valves or pipes, or other projections and obstructions which might create stumbling hazards.

3.4 Slipping Hazards

a. Floors, stair treads and handlings shall not be slippery under any condition or made of any material which will become slippery though wear. In the case of concrete stairs, it should have rough finish and for steel stairs, checkered plate or standard metals and non-slip strip shall be used.

b. Stairways, ramps, elevators, platforms and similar places where slipping may be especially hazardous, shall be provided with non-slip walkway surfaces.

3.5 Floor and Wall Opening:

a. Ladder way, floor opening shall be guarded on all exposed sides, except at the entrance to the opening by permanent railings and toe boards, the passage through the railings shall be provided with a barrier or gate so arranged that a person cannot walk directly into the opening.

b. Stairway floor openings shall be guarded on all exposed sides, except at the entrance to the stairway, by permanent railings and toe boards.

c. For seldom used stairways where traffic across opening prevents the use of permanent railings, the guard shall consist of a flush-hinged cover of adequate strength equipment with railings attached there to so as to leave only one side exposed when the cover is open.

d. Hatchway chute, pit and trap door openings (it could be an elevator pit or maintenance pit) shall be guarded by:

1.  Removable railings with toe boards on not more than two sides and permanent railings with toe boards on all other exposed sides, or

2. Flush-hinged cover as specified for stairway floor openings.

3.6 Manholes and Other Openings

a. Manhole floor opening shall be provided with manhole covers of adequate strength which need not be hinged.

b. Other floor openings into which persons can accidentally fall through shall be guarded either by permanent railings and toe boards on all exposed sides or by hinged floor opening covers of adequate strength.

c. When cover for either types are not in place, the opening shall be constantly attended to by someone or protected by portable enclosing railings.

d. Floor openings in which person can accidentally walk on account of fixed machinery, equipment or walls shall be guarded by covers securely held in place and leaving no openings more than 25 mm in width or by toe boards on all exposed sides.

e. all wall openings less than 1 000 mm from the floor having a height of at least 750 mm and width of 450 mm from which there is a drop of more than 2000 mm shall be solidly enclosed or guarded by fixed or rolling barriers rails, picket fences, half doors, or equivalent barriers, capable of withstanding a load of at least 100 kg applied in any direction except vertically upward at any point on the top or corresponding member.

f. All other wall openings, irrespective of their with shall, if their lower edge either 80 mm or less above floor level on the near side or more above ground, or floor level on the far side, be guarded by:

1. A toe board across the bottom of the opening or

2. An enclosing screen, either solid or grilles o slat work with openings not more than 25 mm in width.

3.7 Railings

a. All railings shall be constructed In a permanent and substantial manner of wood, pipe, structure metal or other material of sufficient strength.



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