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Business Communication Case

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Business Communication

Individual Assignment

As the requisite of Entrepreneur, Leadership, and Business Communication

that lectured by Aries Munandar


Yessica Natalia 105020301121007

International Accounting Major

Economic and Business Faculty

University of Brawijaya


May 2013

Why Business Communication Is Important?

Doing business in this globalization era is more complex than before, especially in multinational companies that conduct operations at several locations, or even worldwide. Trading is also become easier nowadays because people can travel and doing business worldwide without complex procedures and time. In this environment, communication skills have become paramount and employers are increasingly looking for those who can communicate well so they can function in complex business environments. A focus on ensuring good business communication can reap many benefits for employers.

Good business communication is important for any business, and employers know that if they can improve communication in their organizations they can get benefits including improved employee satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, the generation of positive word-of-mouth and employees who serve as ambassadors in the community. It also beneficial for the entrepreneur to have a good business communication to maintain their market segment also related with marketing process. Good interaction between leader-employees or employees-employees can create a good team synergy. Before going to further explanation, it's better to share first about my understanding on what is business communication.

What Is Business Communication?

Communication is a process of message transmission to other poeple. It is the mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. Communication needs to be effective in business because it is essence of management. The basic functions of management that are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling cannot be performed well without effective communication. Organizations these days are very large. It involves a lot number of people and there are various levels of hierarchy in an organization. Greater the number of levels, the more difficult is the job of managing the organization. Communication here plays a very important role in process of directing and controlling the people in the organization.

To be an entrepreneur or leader, someone should have a good business communication skill. It will be very important in order to deliver his/her command to the employee or communicate their products to the market in this tough competition era. People with business communication skill is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organization.

Business communication involves constant flow of information. Feedback is one of important part in business communication. Immediate feedback can be obtained and it will avoid misunderstandings between the company or business. There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society. It is essential for the success and growth of an organization.

Types of Business Communication

There are two types of business communication consist of verbal and non-verbal.

1. Verbal communication

Verbal communication happens through the use of words. It must be understood that communicator has to depend on the language that has been designed and developed by humans. Verbal Communication can be divided in to two groups:

* Oral Communication

Oral communications are the messages that come through words, phrases and idioms from the mouth of the speaker. His appearance, manner, body language and the way he throws his voice can make significant difference in influence the audience, their attitude and performance. It is a very convenient form of expression and presentation. Generally business communication is a formal means of communication, like meetings, interviews, group discussion, speeches etc. In verbal communications there are some important factors to be noted such as body language, eye contact, movement, intonation, symbols, dress, and mimics (facial expression). Besides speaking, verbal communication also needs a skill of listening. Listening skills is referred to:

o Look & look interested

o Identify the issues or core messages

o Suspend judgment

o Test your understanding by asking questions

o Exclude your emotions or passion

o Notes, noise, and non-verbal

* Written Communication

This requires preparation and can be thought out properly before committing in writing. It takes time and more expensive than oral communication. However, it is more accurate and is the norm for technical, legal and most diplomatic communications. With increase in the size of organizations, their complexity and dynamism, the organizations will be more often in using writing to communicate. Written communication can be divided into two forms, that are formal and informal written form. Formal form can be seen in a proposal or letter. While informal written can be seen as a memo, short message service (SMS), etc.

With technological advancement in our ability to send / receive emails, fax messages, SMS on mobile phones, instant messaging etc, written messages have become very common and popular.

Ability to send online reports across continents has won the race against time and distance. It is significantly influencing the way people shall do business in the twenty-first century.

2. Non-Verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues between people. Messages can be communicated through gestures, touch, body language or posture, facial expression and eye contact,



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