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Cause of Cold War

Essay by   •  July 22, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,182 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,837 Views

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The Cause of Cold War

"When Roosevelt and Stalin met in Tehran for the first time, there was little hint that 45 years argument would begin." Yet, the conflict between the US and Russia really deepened after Truman met Stalin at Potsdam for the first time. This eventually led to the conflict viral down to the Cold War. Truman's mismanagement of Stalin, from their first meeting to the conflict over Berlin, paved the road to the Cold War.

Some historians argue that Stalin was actually the cause of the Cold War. For example, Gaddis argued that Stalin personality forced the United States to take actions against Russia. According to Gaddis, the structure of government that Stalin built around Russia based on his personality led to his dictatorship to not only his own country, but also to other countries inside the Soviet Union sphere of influence. Gaddis also mentioned that Stalin "viewed departure from his instructions with deep suspicion, but he also objected to manifestations of independent behavior where instructions had not yet been given." While Gaddis' argument may be reasonable, it was really Truman's fault that the Cold War began.

The Potsdam Conference was where Stalin and Truman met for the first time. During this conference, Truman showed his dislike towards Stalin. This is partly because Stalin shown up drunk to the conference, and Truman, due to his alcoholic father, disliked drunks. Truman also acted tough during the conference to prove that he's capable, and it also to cover for his insecurity. Finally, Truman and Churchill pressured Stalin to allow free-election in Poland, in which Stalin eventually promised to do so. In the Potsdam Conference, America was to blame for the falling out between America and USSR. Truman was trying to be tough to Stalin, which shows his disrespect and uncooperative attitude towards Stalin. This would only lead to tension between two individuals. Also, trying to act tough would add to Stalin's suspicion that America has some weakness, and Truman is acting tough to hide its weakness. Finally, Truman also demanded Stalin to allow Poland to have free-election, yet he never promised anything in return. Truman is trying to subjugate another country to follow what he wanted to happen so that he can take country, which turns out to be not much different from the USSR.

The idea of containment came from the only US Diplomat in Moscow during the Cold War, Kennan. Containment means that Communism should be kept within itself and should be prevent from spreading. Truman, following the idea of containment, later established the Truman Doctrine. This doctrine stated that United States will give aid to Turkey and Greece to resist Communism. The Truman Doctrine was too aggressive by the US, because the US is interfering and persuading other countries to join it democratic regime. This proves Truman to be hypocritical, since he tried to prevent Communism to stop spreading, and pressured Stalin to allow free election for Communism or Democratic. Yet, he uses United States power to also pressure other countries to join the democratic regime. Also the idea of containment also insults the USSR, as if they are viruses that are infectious to the world. Since the USSR believed that Communism is the best for the world, the idea of containing Communism would be saying that it is bad, and need to be kept out of the world. Truman only created more tension between America and the



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