Change the World
Essay by kunaapu • September 14, 2011 • Essay • 733 Words (3 Pages) • 2,158 Views
change and the world changes for u 2
Have you ever wanted to change the world? I do. Many people say that but don't put their dreams on paper. Many people say they want a better world
but don't stop making bad decisions. It's time for our generation to change the world in baby steps. I want to help the newer generations starting
at a younger age and hoping for a better world in 20 years. I want to be a teacher.
Being a teacher means changing a Childs life to me. If I can make a child's life better or improve something already existing in them, that
means I've done my part in this world. To see that "light bulb" go off in a Childs head means the world to me. It gives you that warm fuzzy
feeling inside to know you helped someone and that someone will carry that information in their head for the rest of their life. Getting inside a
childs head and figuring out what drives them and then using that to help them further their life is what education is all about. And when a child
has a teacher that they remember until they are age 40, that teacher has done its job to not only teach the child the material but stimulate that
childs braincells to think over and beyond the box. Thats when a teacher has done their job. That teacher changes the life of that child in a
substantial way.
That s why I want to be a teacher. To change our world and make it a better place to live in by meens of the children that will be running
it. I would love to spark these children's intelligence. I want to change the world by meens of children.
The very first thing that has to be changed before you can truly change the world for the better is: yourself. Most people view the world live
from a perspective of "I don't have enough to be happy, so I need more". Many of the richest among us still wake up every day thinking, "What can
I do to get more for myself?". What they don't realize is that the key to happiness is not in having more, but in being happy with less.
Once you decide you are happy with what you already have, an entire new world will open up to you. Instead of wanting more you'll want to give
Giving more instead of wanting more is a powerful message to yourself and your subconscious, it's a way of saying