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Civil Engineer Duties

Essay by   •  December 2, 2011  •  Case Study  •  765 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,658 Views

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Civil Engineer with 12 years of experience in project management, infrastructure design, permitting, site planning, and construction management of private and governmental land development projects. Creative problem solver and innovator with proven ability to design regional development landmarks such as Reunion resort and Club, a 2.3k-acre destination resort, The Harmony Development District, a 1k-acre neo-traditional neighborhood community, and Brichwood Development, an 11k-acre residential and commercial community.


Public Servant

* Review Environmental Resource Permits applications for conformance with District criteria: review of construction plans, drawings, and technical calculations, data, and maintenance entity documents associated with proposed construction activity; prepare associated reports and correspondence; communicate with consultants, regulated public, interested parties and staff on projects and applications; monitor projects to ensure regulatory timeframes are met; analyze hydrologic models, hydraulics, soil mechanics, engineering data.

* Perform permit compliance and enforcement associated with Environmental Resource Permits and unpermitted activities; inspect permitted projects during the construction and operation phases to ensure compliance with permit requirements; inspect unpermitted construction activities to determine extent of violation of District criteria; review and interpret As-built drawings; review and interpret modified construction plans and modified drainage calculations for proposed permit modifications; research existing files and utilize various computer software including internet resources, hydrologic/hydraulic computer applications and geographical information systems to track and asses compliance activities; review legal documents and coordinates with legal staff; and prepare compliance reports and letters associated with compliance related activities.

Project Management Support

* Responsible for the engineer design, and all permitting for the construction for private project and government developments, including scheduling, owner relations and government agency relations.

* Provide support to the CADD designers to complete the construction drawings.

Stormwater Management

* Calculate the time of concentration, curve number, treatment volume, storm water run off for pre-development and post-conditions. Experience with on-line, off-line, dry detention, dry retention, wet detention, under-drain design and underground storage stormwater management systems.

* Design storm drainage pipe networks weir and drop structure. Determine the high seasonal water table. Calculate the 100 yr compensating storage volume. Use CADD to draw the grading and drainage construction documents and drainage construction details. Use ICPR to determine the design storm high water line. Prepare storm water management, soils report and water management district applications.

Site Planning: Determine building set backs, lot dimensions, parking spaces, buffer and easements. Use CADD to draw and design site and dimension construction documents. Complete city/county plan review applications.

Sanitary and Potable Water: Experience with the design of drainfield, liftstations, sanitary force and gravity pipe design, and potable water pipe design. Use CADD to design and draw the construction plans. Prepare lift stations and drainfield reports. Complete local and DEP permits.




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