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Cloning: Banned, Permitted or Both

Essay by   •  March 15, 2012  •  Essay  •  693 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,488 Views

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Cloning: Banned, Permitted, or Both?

According to an article by Willard Gaylin, " cloning is defined as the production of genetically identical copies of an individual organism" (221). Human cloning has been expressed as being a breakthrough for scientists from the cloning of Dolly, the sheep, in 1996 to cloning a human ear on the back of a rat ("Benefits of Cloning" 2). Nonetheless, the negatives of cloning out weigh the positives with the possibilities of catching diseases and the potential for abuse ("The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning" 2). Cloning should not be banned however, there should be laws governing all the experiments in this new technology.

The potential benefits of cloning could not only help humans but plants and animals alike. Because of this "technique we would gain new breeding techniques on par with those already available to the plant biologist" (Gaylin 222). This technique could end the rapid decrease of endangered species of plants and animals. Furthermore, it benefits those who are obsessed with aging. "It [is] being touted as a future answer to reverse the effects of aging" ("Advantages And Disadvantages of Cloning" 2). Allowing the person to believe that they could live a life without the possibility of aging.

Cloning could be beneficial to medical doctors as well not just to scientists. As a result of cloning, "scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into areas of the heart that have been damaged" ("Benefits Of Cloning" 1). Allowing heart attack victims to live a life without the possibility of having another heart attack. In addition to helping people with their hearts, cloning could help infertile couples "by offering them a chance of having children" (Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning" 1). Even if there could be a small possibility of them having the child go to full term cloning would help the couple.

The possibility of cloning could allow humans to live as immortals yet there could be consequences to that topic. According to the article "Benefits Of Cloning", "with the benefits of modern medicine that cloning could provide with the help of Alzheimer's would be fixed thus granting that person a sense of immortality where they will be able to line in the lives of their loved ones" (1). This way they won't be as confused who they are or of their loved ones. Consequently, there are disadvantages of the immortality rate "such as many failed experiments of the cloning, Dolly the cloned sheep however was a success doesn't mean that there will be others like it" ("Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cloning" 2). This disadvantage shows the reasons in which cloning can be described as not only a good but then a bad



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