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Coca Cola Company Motivated Its Employees with a Specific and Encouraging Reward System

Essay by   •  April 10, 2012  •  Case Study  •  494 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,663 Views

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Coca Cola Company motivated its employees with a specific and encouraging reward system which is mentioned below:

There are usually 2 types of reward system internal and external reward systems. Internal reward system is whatever that is happening within the organization and the external is whatever that is happening outside of the organization. These internal incentives of Coca Cola Company include achievements, a good feeling of completing a task, personal growth, informal awareness and status and job satisfaction. And the external incentives of Coca Cola Company include formal awareness, benefits and advantages of incentives, payment offers and promotions, social relationship and the working environment. One of the most import and effective reason to motivate employees is to give them the job security and the job satisfaction. Job security to make them feel safe and secure about the environment that they are working in and the job satisfaction to show them that they are doing a good job and they should keep it up. Coca Cola Company basically uses these 2 types of motivational tricks in order to motivate their employees and they have successfully achieved what they wanted which means that their employees were motivated enough therefore, they were able to increase their productivity and sales which could then lead to more profit and on the other hand side they were able to satisfy their employees and keep them for a long period of time and provide them with necessary things. Not only this Coca Cola Company uses many other reward incentives in order to keep their employees motivated such as, group work/activities, sharing the plan, sharing the profit, and the cafeteria advantages. Coca Cola Company rewards their employees based on their performance. They also use training and development in order to retrain their employees and give them more work each time or train new employees in order to increase their productivity.

According to the higher management of Coca Cola Company they would like to have non monitory rewards such as achievement, the good feeling of completing a particular task, informal awareness and the personal growth whereas the lower management of Coca Cola Company prefers to have more of incentives, bonuses and they would like to have more of cash rewards. Therefore they usually use Maslow's theory because self-esteem, self-actualization because employees can take internal rewards were as for physical needs and safety employees are attracted to cash rewards no matter what type is used. Coca Cola Company uses both monitory and non monitory reward system in order to motivate their employees. Coca Cola Company tries to have a good communication with their employees in order to understand their employee's problems and try to solve them sooner in order to keep them satisfied and increase both their effectiveness and efficiency. Every day the need and want of employee's will be



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