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College After Graduation and Loans

Essay by   •  January 28, 2012  •  Essay  •  621 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,685 Views

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College after graduation and loans

The United States one of the world's wealthiest nations has fallen behind in university graduation rates and when a country is in dire need of highly trained individuals the government should be doing everything in their power to push young people to get a college education. Scholarship's and grant's aren't often enough for young people to attend college which are forcing them to take out student loans. And young people's parents cannot financially afford to help their child get a college education which is holding them back from starting school.

Scholarships and grants aren't often enough for young people to start college, which is leaving them with one option, taking out student loans! Student loans have crossed one trillion dollars in 2012, more than credit card debt. It has affected where and whether to pursue a college education, what job to take and what bills come first. Survey show that out of 1,508 college student, forty two percent live pay check to pay check and the other forty four have sold personal items to meet ends meet. So if these young people are struggling now without debt, how are these young people supposed to pay back thousands of dollars back worth of student loans when they graduate? Statistics show that thirty nine percent say that it will take them ten years or longer to pay back there student loans. So how are college graduates supposed to live the life the where dreaming for, if they are burdened by these student loans.

Many people assume that the reason why young people haven't started college is because of their laziness; but if people only knew how bad parents were in debt, they'd be thinking twice. Credit cards, medical bills, loans and over spending have left a lot of parents in debt, which has affected their ability as a parent to help their child get a college education. In 2012, the gross debt was estimated at 15.23 trillion dollars, leaving many parents living at poverty level. Last year in December there was 146.4 million American's living poverty meaning low income. So with this many parents living at poverty level where is any extra money to help their children get a great education. Parents are already taking every dime and nickel to support their families. I'm sure parents would love to help their child any way that they possibly could but under these circumstances, how can they?

In today's society many jobs require a college education to start work, leaving so many people without jobs. The government should be trying their hardest to push young people to hit the books. If the government would start paying for college tuitions a lot more people would pursue a college education. The country is in dire need of highly trained individuals and college is a great step in learning the knowledge u need to succeed in the career that you want. The government pays



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