College Campuses Going Green - a Green Way of Living
Essay by people • April 25, 2011 • Essay • 1,172 Words (5 Pages) • 2,325 Views
A Green Way of Living
Stated by CNN last years average cost of tuition for a college student who attended school ranged from $9000 to $30,293 per year. These costs continue to rise, and do not seem be slowing down anytime in the near future. Researchers as well as others have speculated that these costs may even double within the next century. They have come to a resolution that colleges need to find a new line of attack to reduce the costs. This has been an issue for many years, but recently many colleges may have found a solution to immensely help resolve some of the problems. With new research colleges have recently been able to go "green". Going "green" is new research that is defined by James Haley Of Global Warming Opposing Viewpoints as "Adopting practices that reduce your overall impact on the environment. These may include reducing your energy usage, recycling, using public transportation, buying local products, and/or designing, remodeling, or buying a home that is more energy efficient." Adopting this practice has changed many college's outlook on the way they do things all across the country. While everything else In the world seems to be changing, college campuses need new and innovated ways to keep up with the costs. With green campuses innovative planning, and daily life changes for students and faculty changes, which are made are helping improve circumstances.
In many cases colleges can be as large as small cities; in that instance they use tremendous amounts of resources and need ways to reduce costs by not increasing tuition. There are many different techniques that campuses have found that work best for them. The website "" has recently posted on their website a listing of the top fifteen greenest colleges in America. These colleges consist of College of The Atlantic, Middlebury College, EARTH University, The Evergreen State College, Oberlin College, Harvard University, University of British Colombia, California State University, Tufts University, Leeds University, Green Mountain College, Yale University, Glasgow University, and the University of Maryland. The site also states how " it is a good time to think about ways in which North America's world-famous centers of higher learning can show leadership in leaving a lighter impact upon out already threatened planet." This resource takes a great notice and appreciation on how things such as our college campuses do make a huge impact on our plant. It allows those who want to help even more to make an impact on the world by showing them colleges they can attend. Not only do these colleges allow classes on the subject but also practice those techniques all around their campus. Many do not know but Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts is one of the top five universities in the country. tells how " Harvard has been leading with energy efficiency and bio-fuels, as well as other programs." Because of the allowed classes in Harvard's curriculum student have been able to find out even more about ways that going "green" will help out not only their campus but as well as the society as a whole. They head director Maxine Savitz states "The reports conclude, Savitz said, that the United States needs a concerted and sustained energy approach, but that potential efficiencies from technology in buildings, transportation, and industry could cut energy consumption 15 percent by 2020 and 30 percent by 2030. The savings from heating, cooling, lighting, and other building systems alone could counterbalance the projected growth