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Essay by   •  May 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  522 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,729 Views

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Collaboration Exercise

1. Define the Problem: The report is not handed in on time by Alicia to the CEO

2. Explore the facts: Alicia and Steve both start the week very early. Alicia depends on Steve, because only after Steve has filled in the financial results, Alicia can do her part of the job. Generating the figures takes both Alicia and Steve some time. Steve has been having issues with the IT system which is old, slow and has been breaking down, which is the reason why he has been late with handing in his figures to Alicia. The data that Steve needs to enter in the software has to be handed in by each store director have not done that on time due to late arrival at work or having issues at the working place at the period when the data has to be sent to Steve.

3. Possible Solutions: a) They could prepare the report on Sunday evenings, and send it ready and on time in the morning to the CEO. b) They could change the time when the store managers, Steve and Alicia have to be at work to an earlier hour. c) They could implement new software where the data is easily entered, processed and results are faster generated. d) Store managers should be held responsible for late hand ins of the financial figures.

4. Criteria to determine the best solution:

1. Any solution should be acceptable to all of them

2. Any solution solve the late handing of the data needed for the report

3. Any solution should guarantee that Alicia receives Steve's report on time

4. Any solution should work in the long term

5. Evaluate and Select Solution: Working on Sundays would solve the problem of late handling in of the data, however it most probably will not be accepted by the store managers and will guarantee that the data will be handed in on time just for a certain period of time since Sunday is a day off and people need to have their rest before a long week. Earlier working hours meets criterion 2, 3 and 4 but does not meet criterion 1 because everyone is already starting the working week rather early. Implementing a new software answers to criterion 1, 2 and 4, however it does not answer to criteria 3 because it is not sure whether the store managers will do their part of the job on time. Holding responsible the store managers would not be acceptable to them, but solves and guarantees that the CEO will receive the report on time. However, in the long term this might not be a very good leadership endeavor to motivate and preserve one's employees.

Work Sundays Earlier Time New Software Hold Responsible

Acceptable No No Yes No



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