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Comprehensive Proposal for the Development of an Early Childhood Education Program

Essay by   •  August 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,748 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,968 Views

Essay Preview: Comprehensive Proposal for the Development of an Early Childhood Education Program

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Comprehensive Proposal for the Development of an Early Childhood Education Program

The Overview of the program is for the families to Locate affordable, quality child daycare, especially for children under the age of five, its a major concern for many parents. The rise in families with two working parents, as well as an increase in the single mom category, has created a need within the child daycare industry to fill the void of non-relative child care.

Toddler Time Learning and Development Center will raise the bar of child care past the misconception of being a paid babysitting service. A more advanced learning curriculum will be offered starting at the earliest ages. Preparation for school will go beyond just learning the A-B-C's and 1-2-3's. The company will offer full day and before/after school care for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. A company director will be hired to oversee daily operations, along with a full time kitchen cook to comply with local and national food and safety regulations. The company will work closely with the federal Child Care Assistance program, or CCA, to ensure the facility is affordable to all families within the local area.

Toddler Time will be located in the south part of Dallas and will offer programs that cater to the market demographics of that area. Single moms, two income, and low income families will not be at a disadvantage, but rather will be sought out so they can benefit from what Toddler Time will be offering to the children of that community.

Toddler Time propose to provide a sage and developmentally appropriate environment for preschool and school age children. Our focus is to provide a stimulating early care and educational experience which promotes each child's social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Our goal is to support a child's desire to become a lifelong learner

Our Mission Statement is to Help our students reach their highest developing, social and educational potential. Build and preserve a developmentally appropriate atmosphere for learning. Also, allowing families to join in and help improve their children's education, by observing their growth, in keeping track of their development progress through testing and observations.

I like this Mission statement because I read somewhere that a child retain the most information between the ages of two and five. I feel that as adults we have a responsibility to teach the children as much as we can during their early years and also let them experience activities and lessons hands on, these mission statements also says to me that it is very important to keep track of a child progress that way you can pin point their areas of weaknesses and focus more to help them catch up and those particular areas. If the child has no weak areas then the observations and testing lets us a teachers know that it is time for this particular child to move to the next level.

My Philosophy is that all children can be taught and learn when they are in a safe caring environment, where they have family involvement and a community that will contribute to the welfare and education of the children. I think that as a child your first supporter, parents actively encourage their child's hands-on approach to play. I think that children are more responsive to learning when the staff around them has passion, knowledge and commitment to their work. The staff creates places and opportunities for caring relationships between the student and the teachers to evolve. The staff shares in the joys and the child's ability to play. Every day we realize that no matter what we do, as the teachers are all ways teaching and the children are always learning. And we must value each moment and each day of their progress.

I believe that children learn through play and hands on activity's that involves interactive materials, equipment, and activities. During active play, a child's mind, body, and emotions develop, and true learning takes place. We encourage children to be independent in basic care routines because these routines can provide as much opportunity for meaningful learning to occur as experiences planned in the interest areas of the classroom. Our goal is to provide a stimulating, sensitive environment that supports the child's social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth.

The program classroom centers and environment will be set up to go with the teaching strategies and also the environment will be based on the understanding of how the children learn. The curriculum is designed to incorporate knowledge from multiple age groups; they focus on the individual and developmental learning needs of each child. In the eventual objective of the teacher in the classroom was to promote the development and increase the learning of each individual child, which I think the environment did.

Some of the furnishings, equipment, and materials available to support the children's growth and development that I noticed offer children challenges, but not be so difficult that children gets frustrated. Such as when a child finish a 3 piece puzzle, their where other puzzles such as six piece and a 8 piece so that they could pick and choose which one they wanted instead of their being only ten piece puzzled out that the child had to choose from, where if he/she could not finish a ten piece puzzle they would get frustrated in move on to another activity, and they may even feel defeated. Also in dramatic play their where dress-up clothes with a selection of props and accessories that are rotated to spread out children's play and to keep their interest. Another thing that I noticed is that in the library the children were able to reach the books and puppets, the where able to maneuver through the entire class without bumping into each other or playing in one another's



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