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Dark Age of Camelot

Essay by   •  September 14, 2011  •  Essay  •  267 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,652 Views

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Dark Age of Camelot is a 3D medieval fantasy MMORPG that revolves around war between three realms following King Arthur's rule.

DAoC includes both Player versus Environment and Realm versus Realm combat. Players can choose to adventure alone or join groups. Players may also join battlegroups, which are formed so all members are able to get completion of credit in large scale PvE encounters and for communication purposes in RvR.

Player vs. Player combat takes the form of Realm versus Realm, a term which DAoC invented.[1] RvR is restricted to the zone New Frontiers where action ranges from massive battles to one vs one fights. Players are awarded realm points for each enemy realm player they kill. After gaining a certain amount of realm points, you gain a Realm Rank. While gaining Realm Ranks, you gain Realm Ability Points, one for each rank you gain. You are able to purchase with your realm abilities points certain skills unique to your class. Participating in RvR combat is strictly voluntary in DAoC and free-for-all PvP only exists on a dedicated server.

PvE focuses on defeating monsters found in dungeons, the open world, and RvR zones. Players earn experience points towards obtaining levels by killing both monsters and enemy players. Gaining levels yields new skills, abilities, and access to expansion areas. The current maximum level is 50. Expansions to the game offer alternative advancement type levels that grant additional abilities to level 50 players.

The decision to develop Dark Age of Camelot was made in late 1999,[2] with it originally being conceived of as a graphical MUD.[3] The game was released in October 2001.



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