Deviant Behavior
Essay by dancing • May 8, 2012 • Essay • 457 Words (2 Pages) • 1,653 Views
In American culture one debate of deviance will always be should we allow gay marriages. This idea has been argued in the public to sway citizens on how their personal views are and made them question if they are correct in their thinking. People demonstrate that being different is wrong and use statistics to make it look as if all gay people will abduct children for their personal satisfaction. The gay community sees this as a way for couples to commit to each other and to be protected by laws as a couple. Legalizing same sex marriages will provide couples with the same rights as men and women who marry. The truth is that conservatives, liberals, and Democrats are making the same argument but in different context and that each group's opinions is harmful to society (Costello, 2006). Factors that contribute to each person's personal view of same sex marriages are values, ethics, and personal religious beliefs along with their families influence on the subject. The difference is that people who interact with gay people and who not gay gain an understanding of the gay culture. They understand that they want the same benefits and the ability to make lifetime commitment lawfully as heterosexuals. They also understand that not only gay people abduct children to cause harm because many heterosexuals do as well. Fear will always prevent change positive or negative in our society and among different culture, and it will not be until fear is laid aside that changes can be made. Our history proves this with the Native Americans and the slaves. People cannot rise above opinions until the mindset of men change. Deviant behavior such as abducting a child for sexual pleasure is viewed differently among some cultures as to how criminals should be punished.
Deviant behavior is treated differently among classes in American society. On the news celebrities are arrested for driving while intoxicated and let go with a slap on the wrist. It will take several times before they are reprimanded with probation or jail time. A regular person who is caught driving under the influence is arrested, pays a fine, and ordered to perform community service. The difference is that a non-celebrity citizen does not have the support or the funds to obtain top legal councils to keep them out of trouble. They instead take the punishment for doing the crime while celebrities hide behind their status in society as if they did nothing wrong. This will never change as long as society continues to idolize celebrities making their lives not as important as the ones they idolize.