Don't Think Pink - Essay on Favorite Color
Essay by people • July 18, 2011 • Essay • 251 Words (2 Pages) • 2,083 Views
"Don't think pink," is the motto that I live by. When I look around at the women who have come before me who have come out of the "think pink" ideology, I am struck by the knowledge of how much I do not want to be them. Early in the first semester of my freshman year, my English professor informed the class that many women, when they were first allowed to attend college, did so with the purpose of getting their "MRS" instead of their "B.A./B.S." Upon hearing this, I was slightly appalled and yet not really surprised. I was witnessing some women do it now but it only served to reinforce my motto.
I like the color blue. I like the color black. I dislike the color pink. In this day and age, of the XBox Live and PS3, that is not particularly weird, at least in my honest opinion it isn't. But, back then (then being the early 70s, late 60s when video consoles weren't even a thought), this was abnormal, almost. Blue was for men! Dark colors, for men! Unless the woman had lost her husband and was doing the customary year of grieving...
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