Earth Science Journal Article Review
Essay by setterchick2010 • April 7, 2012 • Article Review • 895 Words (4 Pages) • 4,886 Views
In the article, The Origin of Old-Earth Geology and its Ramifications for Life in the 21st Century by Dr. Mortenson had a rounded argument for the reasons as to why people in today's day in age believe like they do. The relationship between science and Christianity has been a hot topic ever since the early 19th century. A high percentage of scientists and other ordinary people believe that evolution is the perfect solution as to how we got here and how the Earth came about. It is because of many individuals that these people believe the way they do, many do not even give Christianity a chance. And because of their non-religious background, that is why they think evolution was the way we got here. Evolutionists do not look at the cold hard facts that are "'screaming' confirmation of the biblical record" (Mortenson, 2003).
I believe that Dr. Terry Mortenson does a fine job of discussing the different theories of history, the four scriptural geologists, the truth about the 19th Century debate that we have wondered about, and the impact it has had on today's culture. What Dr. Mortenson is trying to get across in this article is that what has happened in the past leaves ramifications in today's society. He starts out by introducing all of the major scientists that contributed to how we see today's science. He spoke of the many different men how had no religious background that added their belief to evolution and how people came from a blob, or single celled organism. He also spoke about how in today's culture; more scientists are considering Creation because they see that evolution is a "'theory in crisis'" (Mortenson, 2003).
This article proves to have more strengths than weaknesses by far. Dr. Mortenson hits the big names when it comes to geologists and scientists that made science what people believe today, and that is either Evolution or Creation. One point that I never really take much look at is the fact that your religious background greatly depicts how you view the history of the Earth and how it became what we see today. That is so true. Also, I believe Dr. Mortenson is unobtrusively trying to say that the old-earth geologists are overlooking the real honest facts. The sentence I pulled from the article is, "The old-earth geologists rejected the biblical account of Creation and Noah's Flood and could see no evidence in the rocks for a 6000-year-old earth and a global catastrophic flood. The scriptural geologists looked at the very same rocks and fossils and concluded that they were 'screaming' confirmation of the biblical record" (Mortenson, 2003). In remembering what we read the first week of class, we learned that the geologists/scientists that believe in the old-earth theory do not run the correct testing on the fossils, because they think they are millions/billions years old. The reason that history is verifying that scriptural geologists