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Essay by   •  September 26, 2011  •  Essay  •  443 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,760 Views

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Agriculture is a livelihood of nation .For many years, Philippine economy will be propelled by agriculture, a sector on which the livelihood of a majority our people depends. More and more, Farmers are discovering that there is more money in vegetables than most other crops.( AUTHOR)

Vegetable are one of the most natural and foods and contain different vitamins, minerals and other thousands of other plant chemicals known to provide health benefits. It can reduced many diseases include lower sugar and moisture content. It can also reduced the risk of heart disease, cancers and high blood pressures.(http.//www.health-care-clinic.org/drugs/index.htm).

In the Philippines, vegetable are a valuable group of literally hundreds of different crops. As crucial alleviating poverty and fighting malnutrition."Vegetable are vital for healthier diets and helps generate stronger economies....especially in developing countries'' stated by the world vegetable center.(http.//paraquat.com/news -and -features/archives/growing-better-vegetable -in -the -phil.)

The Philippines is an agricultural country with a land of 30 million hectares,47% of which is agricultural land. The prime agricultural lands are located around the main urban and high population density areas.

The total land area devoted to agricultural crops is 13 million hectares. This is distributed among food crops, food grains, and non food crops. Food grains occupied 31% (4.01 million hectares),non-food crops utilized 17% (2.2 million hectares),while food crops 52% (8.33 million hectares),this will be included the vegetable and root crops utilized 270 thousand hectares

( http://www.agnet.org/situationer/philippines.html)

In the province, Agriculture commands the major bulk of the province economy Owing to its favourable climate and fertile soil. The total land area planted with crops is 20,473.03 hectares. About 65% is rolling and mountain ranges running southward, specifically in the municipality of Digos city, most of the barangay are in rural areas where agriculture is the main economic activities. Most likely in vegetable productions.

According to the Department Agriculture, The barangay Kapatagan is one of the barangay that produces vegetable in the municipality. It has a 2000 hectares, the total land area in vegetable production. Because the suitable sustaining productions of vegetable, there is a high productions and can gain more income to the farmers.

According to them, the major vegetable crops that are being produced by farmers in Digos City are the cabbage, tomato, potato, Chinese cabbage, chayote and bell pepper. These vegetables are highly in productions which is favourable condition of the municipality.



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