Emergency of Sociology
Essay by Mumba01 • September 12, 2011 • Essay • 1,779 Words (8 Pages) • 2,194 Views
Am always happy thanks to Jesus.
For each of sigmund freuds psycho-social development, he postulated that a set of personality characteristics would be associated with that stage of development. Fixation in the given stage of development would mean that the individual would show those characteristics in adulthood. (Sternberg`K.J. 1998 P569). In Freuds theory, the term for ones general sexual energy is called LIBIDO and the area on which this energy is focused is called the EROGENOUS ZONE. In children the most important areas at which this energy occure are the Mouth, Anus and Genital. Children have five psychosexual stages of development, namely: The Oral stage which is from 0-1 year, Anal stage 1-3 years, Phallic stage 3-5 years, Latency stage 5-12 years and finally the Genital stage which is from 12-18 years. However, the essence of this essay is to identify and discuss PSYCHO-SEXUAL which according to Freud is the developmental period that children pass through during which they encounter conflicts between the demand of society and their own sexual urges (. A. Spencer, 2003 PP418). DEVELOPMENT; which is a process of passing through a series of stages.
Oral stage is Freud's first Psycho-Sexual stage. The child's interest at this stage is the mouth, which is the primary source of erotic impulses and sexual gratification; which is the release of tension build up ( Ludy T.B. et al 1994 PP389). To release this tension, the infant sucks at the mothers breast. The main conflict during Oral stage according to Freud is weaning (withdrawing the breast or bottle) during weaning the infant finds pleasure in sucking its thumb which is combined with rubbing contact of certain parts of the body such as the breast and external genitals this is taken from
Freud in (Ludy T.B . et al 1994 PP3870) He continued to state that events in childhood determine to a large extent the personality of the adult. Hence fixation might occur later in life. Fixation is said to be a psychodynamic theory, arrested development. Attachment to objects of an earlier stage(SPENCER A.Rathus2004 pp418) It might occur if an infant's Oral needs are over indulged. Over indulgence is for example when a child is constantly fed just at the first time he signals to be feeling hungry. Sometimes infants may do this just to get attention from their mothers; rather the child will have to learn that feeding takes place on a timed schedule. If this is neglected, fixation at Oral stage might lead to drinking, smoking and might cause obesity due to excessive eating. The other process that takes place in Oral stage is that infants have a bond with their mother or caretaker such that they do not want anyone
mostly strangers to hold or play with them. Teeth and the urge to bite also begin to develop.
Between the ages of 1 and 3, the EROGENOUS ZONE at this stage is the Anal. In Freuds theory, the Anal stage is a psycho-sexual stage at which sexual gratification is centered on the Anal region. (Munns 2007 PP401) Infants are now aware of sensational movement of the bowel in the mucous membrane of the Anal region. With this, parents decide to toilet train their children. Just as breastfeeding is important in Oral stage toilet training is also as important in this stage, children learn how much they can control their bowel with their Anal sphincter muscles. Infants can find it enjoyable to expel feces but that may cause their parents to punish them, if they manage to hold their feces until they are on the toilet parents will be proud of them and they will feel appreciated and happy. If the child is severely punished during toilet training it may cause the child to have a fixated personality that is according to Freud stingy, obstinate, arrogant and stubborn but if the infant is not toilet trained, he may have a sloppy lifestyle messy behavior and possibly even sadistic traits.(Shaffer 1989 pp48)
In Freuds theory Phallic stage is stated to be a sexual gratification which is centered on the Genital region. This stage is from 3 to 6, boys begin to experience sexual excitement on the Genital area namely the penis and clitoris for girls. Children enjoy touching and rubbing these areas. It is this road that many children go from thumb sucking to masturbation. Freud observed that seeing a satisfied child sink back from the mothers breast and merges into sleep with reddened cheeks and blissful smile will have to admit that this picture remains as a guide for the expression of sexual gratification in later life.( Sigmund Freud 1905 PP40). Freud believes that touching or rubbing is hugely surrounded with an unconscious mind. Meaning in most cases children are not aware of the touching. At this stage masturbation is the main conflict that parents and their children encounter. With this problem, parents may respond with threats or punishment, in order to teach the child that the society around him does not accept such behaviour hence he has to stop.
The child at this same stage develops a sexual attraction to the parent