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Non Emergency Transportation

Essay by   •  June 12, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,386 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,000 Views

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The purpose of this paper is to, analyze a career related topic that I chose to present to an audience in order to inform them and persuade the need for a Non Emergency Transportation Company in their community. This service can be provided in the event 911 are not needed and for those that are disabled. A lot of times when a person is in an emergency situation they fail to think of how they are going to return home if they do not have the same capabilities of each bodily function before the emergency occurred. If a person is transported to the emergency room the last thing on their mind is how they will be transported back home. At this point is where Non-Emergency Transportation Companies come in.

A taxicab is not equipped to take someone home who may leave the emergency room on a stretcher. Riding in a taxicab while in a wheel chair is possible how ever it is more of an inconvenience to the patient as well as the driver. A patient can easily be transported to their residence by Emergency 911 via ambulance however this takes away from real life emergency situations. Non-Emergency Transportation is covered under health insurance plans as well as state and federal funded plans such as Medicaid and Medicare Programs which illuminates cost for the patient. Selecting this topic came fairly easy for me as my family is in the Non-Emergency Transportation business and I have first hand knowledge of how the company runs and also direct contact to interview the owner as well as employees.

When the topic was selected I tried to pinpoint an intended audience for this particular topic and in the end I found that the presentation can be delivered to an open audience. There is not a set audience for this topic. Non-Emergency transportation can be provided in the event that a real life emergency situation does not require a call to 911 for ambulance services such as a need for life support etc. It is a service that is solely design for those that have a disability or handicap with a special need. A person that may be confined to a bed or may not have the activity of there legs and are wheel chair bound would benefit from such a service. In getting the audience to agree to such a service you would have to target Social workers, Nursing Facilities, Doctors, Personal Care Homes and Families that have loved ones with special needs.

A group setting to deliver the presentation would be a great idea. By delivering in a group setting would also give this type of business the opportunity to market as well through face to face contact in order to make things more personable.

Research for this topic was learned through experience and by interviewing. The process that I took was through hands on experience by actually being apart of a family business and asking questions that I thought would be important in delivering a presentation to an audience who really had no clue about Non-Emergency Transportation. There is so much more to the business than what I covered when it comes to non-emergency transportation. The key point that was made through out the interview was to not include too much information to the audience.

By providing enough information to gain the interest was the concept to keep in mind. The audience is not actually trying to have a business of their own, but at the same time need to see what different areas of the business cover. When ever I am providing someone with information the majority of the time I have to believe what it is that I am saying or make it sound convincing. I questioned the importance of why the audience needed to know the vehicles that the company would use or employees that are on hand. Once I was able to see the importance of knowing that information it made the process a lot easier.

The outline flow process went fairly smooth however I did tend to provide too



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