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Employer Analysis Assignment.

Essay by   •  March 27, 2019  •  Case Study  •  943 Words (4 Pages)  •  618 Views

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Employer Analysis Assignment

Learning Objectives:

To create a strong cover letter, it is important to research and analyze the organization. This step helps you to tailor your application and be seen as a stronger applicant to recruiters and Applicant Tracking Systems. It also showcases you took the time to personalize your cover letter and focus on how you can help “them”.

This assignment is designed to:

  • Assist you in writing a strong cover letter by thinking through the questions a cover letter should answer
  • Support you in understanding what to research and reflect on when determining if an organization/position is a good fit
  • Provide another framework when preparing for interviews and networking opportunities


For this assignment, fill out the worksheet in its entirety with detailed thoughts. On the last space/page include a screenshot of the internship or job you are tailoring your cover letter assignment to. Remember, you must prove it’s a current job description by including the posting date in the screenshot. If there is no posting date (e.g., an internal position where you are employed), you will need to explain this to your group moderator.

* Before you begin this assignment, please review the cover letter assignment instructions. You will notice for your cover letter assignment you must find a current internship or job posting to tailor your cover letter to.


You will be graded on successful completion of the worksheet which includes answering all questions with appropriate and professional responses that fully showcases you researched the organization.

Your Career Trajectory

Student Name

Cade Duvel

Career Goal
(short-term or long-term)

Short Term – Move out of the Midwest

Long Term – Landing a Marketing Management position with a company that lets me travel world wide.

General Employer Information

Organization name

The Travelers Insurance Companies, Inc.

Title of position

Digital Marketing, Management

Deadline of application

N/A – posted 1/30/2019

Organization’s website


Organization’s mailing address

Hartford, CT – Nationwide (application online)

Main contact
(Who would you address your cover letter to? Are they an alum?)

The company. There is no name associated with who may be in contact with me for this position. The listing is on their main page and when the application is submitted it will be sent to whom they have it set to.

Do you have a connection to the organization?
Who is this individual?

Wesley Griffiths – He was my practice interviewer and he said that I could use him for a connection and he would gladly give me a recommendation. He is the Second Vice President & Actuary for Travelers Co.


Who are they…

Organization’s Mission Statement

“Travelers offers a wide variety of property and casualty insurance and surety products and services to businesses, organizations and individuals in the United States and in selected international markets. In addition, the company can meet insurance needs in more than 90 countries worldwide through our network of insurers. Products are distributed primarily through independent insurance agents and brokers. Our success is built upon our ability to provide innovative insurance and risk protection products and services in-synch with our customers' needs."

What goods or services does the organization provide?

Travelers does a lot of in house hire, which makes people actually work hard if they want to be promoted. Which shows to tell that your hard work will benefit you. Provide many opportunities to get involved with the community. Great benefits.

What attracts you to the organization…

List two reasons why this organization interests you specifically.

This will come from what you learned based on website research, personal conversations (e.g., Employer in Residence, Career Fairs, personal connections), and/or external reputable sources (e.g., Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn page, etc.)

This SHOULD NOT be that it will give you more experience. These ideas should come from attributes or facts that resonate with you.

Reason 1:

 The ability to travel nationally and internationally for work. They have many locations worldwide and nationally. They are a growing industry and this could allow me to travel a ton which I have been wanting to do.

Reason 2:

The community involvement that the business does. They do a lot of giving back to the community. I think that I important that the company does it cause it shows that they care and support local.

What do they need help with…

List a challenge you think the organization is facing. This can also be a trend that’s affecting the industry or particular job function (for which you are applying for).

Social Media boosts. People are bored with what they are posting. It doesn’t keep the clients interested or constantly looking for their posts. Changing the posts where it would be beneficial for clients to watch and learn from.

They need help with finding hardworking individuals who can work well with others and on their own with no assistance.



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