Essay Writing
Essay by anki • September 5, 2011 • Essay • 267 Words (2 Pages) • 2,026 Views
Whatever big we see, was started first as a small thing, which later grew up into a big thing because of the care and attention that was given to it.
Before we build up a relationship or try to bring out any changes outside us, first thing we have to do is to have a proper understanding of ourselves. Observing ourself in close proximity will point out our deficiency or our strength. When we work out on our deficiency and build up on our strength we start gaining confidence on ourselves.
When we gain confidence on ourselves our words, walk, talk, behaviour etc all changes and gives a positive look. Now this positive look will start changing the whole relationship slowly, from better to best and we will start shining like a diamond which shines brightly when polished. Our way of looking at things or situation or surroundings we are in also changes completely.
Hence it is rightly said that "You change and thadmonish = usurp (reprove) merry = gay
alienate = estrange (isolate) instigate = incite
dispel = dissipate (dismiss) belief = conviction
covet= crave (desire) belated = too late
solicit = beseech (seek) brim = border
subside = wane (drop) renounce= reject
hover = linger (stay close) divulge = reveal
heap = to pile (collect) adhesive = tenacious
veer = diverge (turn) hamper = obstruct
caprice = whim (impulse) to merit= to deserve
stifle = suffocate (smother) inert = passive
latent = potential (inactive) latitude = scope
concur = acquiesce (accept) momentary = transient
tranquil = serene (calm) admonish = cautious
lethargy = stupor (lazy) volume = quantity
furtive= stealthy (secret) meager = scanty
e whole world changes"