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Ethics Paper

Essay by   •  June 28, 2011  •  Essay  •  898 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,867 Views

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Ethics is a cute tag word these days but as a term throw around in our corporate crime ridden business landscape its entirely too broad. Ethics to a lot of people means to simply do the right thing. but as the lines or right and wrong get blurred, its possible and plausible that the right thing is what the unethical offender has in mind; "right" that is an after thought to most.

Ethics is much more than a CEO stealing millions of dollars or a boss that is harassing his or her secretary. in fact in todays everyday business dealings unethical behavior is rampant and you might never know that it is occurring. People working in companies today have no real idea of what it means to be treated unethically. It has seemingly become normal to "deal" with crushing workloads, or completely unattainable dsales goals. Yes, this too is very unethical. just because its n ot a blatent act of oudasity, it doesnt have to be. in fact this type of treatment is the tyrue driving force behinf employee's being unhappy and completely stressed out. its the underlyimng issue that seems to be brushed un der the rug. The words, 'just be lucky that you still have a job" takes this unethical behavior and spinns it into the norm rather than the true problem.

True, damaging, unethical workplace behavior is rampant across public and private business. only this behavior is masked as the cost of doing business or

Workplace stress costs more than $300 billion each year in health care, missed work and stress-reduction

Source: American Institute of Stress, NY.

Workers in the United States already put in more than 1,800 hours on the job a year: 350 hours more than the Germans and slightly more than the Japanese

Source: International Labor Office.

According to a recent study for the Center for Work-Life Policy, 1.7 million people consider their jobs and their work hours excessive because of globalization.

Between forty-six and fifty-nine percent of workers feel that stress is affecting their interpersonal and sexual relationships. Additionally, men feel that there is a certain stigma associated with saying "I can't do this".

What is the scope of unethical behavior?

Is there any employer left that actually cares about their employees?




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