Explain Briefly What Helicopter Parenting Is, and Outline Some of the Attitudes That Are Presented in the Three Texts
Essay by amalielind123 • December 1, 2018 • Article Review • 878 Words (4 Pages) • 1,445 Views
Essay Preview: Explain Briefly What Helicopter Parenting Is, and Outline Some of the Attitudes That Are Presented in the Three Texts
Helicopter parenting
- Explain briefly what helicopter parenting is, and outline some of the attitudes that are presented in the three texts.
Kate Bayless wrote text 1. The text offers a comprehensive explanation of what helicopter parenting is and presents researchers’ attitudes on the topic.
According to the text, helicopter parenting is parents who are over-focused on their children. The parents have a need for taking too much responsibility for their children’s experiences and, specifically, their successes or failures.
This term was first used in Dr. Haim Ginott’s 1969 book Parents & Teenagers by teens who said their parents would hover over them like a helicopter. Helicopter parenting, also called overparenting, means being involved in a child’s life in a way that is over controlling, overprotecting, and overperfecting in a way that is in excess of responsible parenting.
Dr. Dunnewold says in the text, that the majority of the helicopter parents are parents with children’s who goes in high school or college. But there are children’s of all ages, who has helicopter parents. The parents have a great need to interfere and to be absorbed in their poor grades, arranging a class schedule and managing exercising habits.
The parents don’t give their children any alone time. They always shadow the child, always playing with and directing their behaviors.
There are a lot of different reasons, why some parents can end up as a helicopter parent. Some of the reasons can be, that they have a fear that their child will be in danger of dire consequences if they do not interfere. The parents can also worry about economy, the job market, “and the world, in general, can push parents toward taking more control over their child’s life in an attempt to protect them.”
Parents who felt unloved, neglected and ignores as children can have a need to overcompensate with their own children - their children will get an excessive attention.
There are consequences of Helicopter parenting. As dr. Gilboa says in the text, ”it is a tricky line to find…” Parents lose their perspective on what their children needs. Children’s can handle failures and challenges, parents don’t need to be so overprotecting.
- How does Haydn Shaw engage the reader in text 2? Give examples from the text.
In text 2, Haydn Shaw uses ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is an appeal to authority or shared values. With ethos, the author can convince their credibility or character. Pathos is an appeal to emotions. With pathos, the authors can persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions. The authors use pathos to make the audience fee what the author wants them to feel. Logos is an appeal to logic, and the authors want to convince an audience by use of logic or reasons. To use logos, could be to cite facts and statistics, historical and literal analogies.