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Factors Causing Change in Australian Communities

Essay by   •  August 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  369 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,606 Views

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Factors Causing Change in Australian Communities

Changing Nature And Patterns Of Work

There are several changes to work trends in Australian communities, such as the hours people work, the participation of women in the labour force and use of technology, as well as a change in the type of work undertaken by Australians.

Cultural Integration

Different cultures are becoming more alike and are increasingly linked. We see evidence of cultural integration through the food we eat, the sports we play and the music we listen to.

Demographic Change

The Australian population is becoming increasingly multicultural, incorporating migrants from a broad range of countries.

The ageing of the population is occurring due to increased life expectancy and a drop in fertility rates, having considerable economic and social impacts on Australian communities.

Rural areas are experiencing population decline while cities and coastal areas have continued to experience significant growth.

Globalisation Of Economic Activity

- Rise of transnational corporations

- Reduction in trade barriers and resultant increased trade flows.

- Growth of international finance

- Development of technology

Lifestyle expectations

Rising incomes over the last decade have been accompanied by a greater increase in the levels of expectation about what is needed to live a decent life.

New technologies

New technologies are influencing the way we live and work. They have transformed Australian's lives, influencing the way we shop, access information, entertain ourselves and communicate with others.

Recognition Of Native Title

Native title is the recognition in Australian law that Indigenous people had a system of law and ownership of their land before European settlement. Where that traditional connection to land and water has been maintained, and where government legislation has not removed it, the law recognises this as native title.

Resource Depletion

With the increase in the size of Australia's population and the growth in wealth of the Australian people, increasing demands have been put on Australia's natural resources, Australia's forest, fisheries, land and water resources are being rapidly consumed and have been significantly degraded or reduced.

Labour Force- People aged 15 years and over who are employed, or those who do not have a job but are actively looking



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