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Freedom Writer Socratic Circle Essay

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Freedom Writers: Socratic Circle

Freedom Writers. Dir. Richard LaGravenese, Paramount Pictures 2007, film.

Question 1: What is the purpose/message of the movie? Consider the characters, plot and style used to portray this message.

Answer 1(151): The message of this movie is to inspire teenagers and young adults to be all that they can be. In the film this is displayed by the characters that grew up in harsh environments and were never really given a chance. The film was created to show the audience that no matter what or where you come from, you should always be your true self. Teenagers and young adults of today feel more pressure than ever to engage in activities that are volatile to their health and to their futures. Since the time they were born they have been told that they will never get off the streets, this will always be your way of life, and that is simply not true. I believe this movie was created to display that you can have dreams and ambition even if no one else believes in you, you must always believe in yourself.

Question 3: Which character was the most effective speaker? Why? In you answer, you need to mention who the intended audience of the film is (hint...the "audience" is not Americans; rather, this film has a specific targeted audience.) Give examples from the film to support your answer.

Answer 3(215): Throughout the film we follow the stories of trouble high school students, they are all engaged in violent behavior, and constantly finding themselves with more and more dead friends and family members. The characters tell us these stories by writing in their journals. Even though all the characters gave good points, I believe the most effective speaker was Marcus; he seemed to be the most sincere character in my opinion. During the movie it is apparent that he is really struggling with his situation, even before his is willing to admit it. Teenagers today find themselves struggling with issues at home and trying to be something there not, just to fit in. Personally, I have encountered many people who are having these same issues. Although Marcus does not realize that he can make a difference at first, by the end of the film he has become the "real" Marcus. His story will really resonate with people who are in search of their true identity, although they are afraid to reveal it. Marcus was a great example of being yourself is truly the best way to be, you may just find other people following your lead. Even though the change does take time and effort, it is not impossible. Marcus was a wonderful example of this.

Question 5: Eva talks about "tribes" at school. Is she speaking the truth? Give personal examples to support you answer. You must have some factual evidence to support your answer.

Answer 5 (191): Every



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