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Genetically Modified Organisms

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Ryan Reynolds

Global Literacy Project

Professor Pacelli

December 1, 2014

Genetically Modified Organisms

        As the American singer-songwriter Jim Morrison once said, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” Morrison is implying that the media holds immense power over the people. The average citizen will take the media’s reports as an ultimate truth without any bias. However, the media can be very biased based off of who is financially backing the organization, or where they are located. If a company were supplying the media with funds, the media typically wouldn’t publish any negative reports about said company. Different countries will report a story based on how it affects their country but it may not affect others. Many times a hot topic in one country will not be an issue in another country. This is not the case with the issue of Genetically Modified Organisms, a developing hot topic in the United States. This has been an issue in many European counties such as Germany, who has banned the cultivation of the genetically modified corn seed. Throughout these two countries, the media has varying methods to approaching this topic, which could be done for numerous reasons.

        In short, a Genetically Modified Organism is a plant in which the genes have been altered to produce desired traits. Many times these GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) are modified to have a tolerance to pesticides, which will prevent the plants from being harmed by animals. Monsanto, an American Agricultural company, patented the use of the genetically modified corn seed. It has been estimated that nearly ninety percent of the corn products in the United States have been a result of Monsanto’s GMOs (Lusk). These GMOs are a topic for debate because of the drastic advantages and disadvantages of their use. Since these seeds have a resistance to pesticides, the number of crops destroyed due to animals greatly decreases, increasing the total amount of crops produced, which ultimately increases profit. These GMOs seem to be a smart move for farmers because the produce much more of their product and achieve a greater profit. However, these GMOs are not all that great as the pose many potential health risks. Human beings do not currently possess the knowledge of what these GMOs can truly be capable of. “As living entities, they will multiply, adapt, evolve, and interact in ways that traditional inanimate pollutants cannot. Once released they cannot be recalled, retrieved, or neutralized.” (Tromans) Many have argued that these products will cause many health risks and only time will be able to prove so.

        As GMOs continue to dominate the agriculture of the United States, there has been a push to do away with GMOs in many European countries, such as Germany. Many seem to realize that although these crops may be resistant to pesticides, it cannot be healthy for humans to consume. Hundreds joined together in Munich for the “March against Monsanto” which was an attempt to rid their country of these genetically modified organisms. Aside from wanting to keep GMOs out of the country, these people also wanted to protect themselves from Monsanto establishing a “virtual monopoly” on their food source. This, along with many other protests, helped to ban the use of genetically modified seeds in Germany (Saying ‘No’ To Genetically Modified Foods). However, as Germans are pushing GMOs out, many Americans are embracing them with open arms, not only wanting more genetically modified corn, but also calling for genetically modified wheat. In the New York Times article by Jason Lusk and Henry Miller, they state that the American economy needs the use of genetically modified wheat. These men call for the mass production and consumption of a product, which can be very harmful to all who consume it. Their goal is to elevate the production level of the genetically modified wheat, to that of the genetically modified corn.

        The American media openly embraces the use of genetically modified organisms and supports the use. In an article from the New York Times, it was said, “the only thing wrong with today’s farming methods is our misinformed perception of them.” (Catsoulis) This article sets out to discredit the scientific conclusions that were reached upon in the film Food Inc. Such is told with much bias towards the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance.

        One of the greatest reasons something may be left out of the media in one country is due to the harm a particular report can cause against its own country. Many media sources have bias to what they are reporting on, or would not be permitted to post these harmful articles. An article that would rarely appear in any American media, was published by the German media organization Deutsche Welle, regarding how the “US Government is in the Genetically Modified industry’s pocket.” This article states how many United States diplomats have lobbied aggressively to support genetically modified organisms. Those who are working in United States embassies located in European nations are “really a part of the biotech industry” almost seeming like the United States government was working as “an employee of the firm.” When Austria banned Monsanto’s corn seed, Monsanto conducted many meetings with the Austrian Government in an attempt to lift the ban. All of these meetings were organized by, and took place at the US embassy (Report: 'US Government in GM Industry's Pocket). The United States government is set out to protect the interests of Monsanto. Two former Monsanto employees are now high-ranking officials in the United States government. Michael Taylor, the current commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, was the former Vice President for Public Policy of Monsanto. Also, Clarence Thomas, who as a current Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, was a former attorney of Monsanto. The American Government has deep ties with Monsanto and the genetically modified food industry, which may be a reason for the spread of these products.



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