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Essay by   •  September 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  461 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,223 Views

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As an international student, I did not know much about American people's rights, however after half semester of taking this class, now I am really impressed by how much freedom America people have. Again as an international student, it is hard for me to answer the question 1 and 2, so in my blog, I will focus on the third question "benefits and loopholes" of certain rights that America people hold.

In my opinion, the most controversy rights American people hold is the right to keep and bear arms. My earliest experience about American people' s right of keeping and bearing arm, which provided by the second amendments, was from the movie called "legends of the fall". In this movie, the main character had defended his family ,also killed many corrupt officials by using guns. At that time, I do think the right of keeping and bearing gun is necessary for defending one's legal rights. In China, we are not allowed to have arms, so if the group who have arms like the government, or the group who could illegal get arms like the mafia do harmful thing to us, we have no power to defend ourselves.

However, recent studies have showed that the second largest factor caused American high school student's deaths or injuries is gun shooting. Also one in third high school students have said that they could easily get guns. 6% of the students have said that they have brought guns to the school. More terrific among these 6% ,1/3 have said they have shot someone with a gun. Like some of the scholars stated " Violent has become a threaten to the America public health.

The negative affects of keeping arms cannot be ignored, however, in my opinion, the results we see above is not only caused by the gun. Even without guns, the person who is intend to hurt someone will do it in any means. Just guns happen to be the most efficiency weapon. It is not proper to attribute all the flouts to guns.

For most people, keeping guns is a way to defend themselves. Protecting themselves from illegal activities. limitation of guns for citizens is way of controlling, however for the mafia and evil persons the legislation means nothing at all. They can get guns anyway. In this case, limitation of guns has put the good citizens at the unfavorable place. It has drive their abilities to protect themselves ways.

In conclusion, I do agree that the right of keeping and bearing arms is necessary for providing the citizens with proper tool to protect their life liberty and property. It is good for the society to develop healthily. It is a constrain for the evil group in the society.



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