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Health and Safety

Essay by   •  February 3, 2017  •  Lab Report  •  1,501 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,374 Views

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CERTIFICATE         Candidate’s observation sheet



        Sheet number     1    of 4____

Student name  Fahid Saqib                Student number  00311201

Place inspected Inspectest C & T Laboratory                 Date of inspection 10 / NOV / 2015


Control measures


Hazards and consequences

Immediate and longer term actions

Trip hazard to the user and other people in the Lab premises due to trailing power cable of Torque Tool Tester.

Slip Hazard to the workers due to hydraulic oil spillage in Lab working area.

Eyes Stress due to flickered desktop computer screen.

Electric shock due to damaged plug and socket in Lab.

Because emergency exit route is not present in Lab so trip, slip hazard can occur in case of an emergency which eventually can hurt workers.

Back pain due to carrying cylinders by manual handling as there is no availability of any equipment to move them from one place to another.

Damaged and loosen chair’s back can lead to the back pain.

Torn overall can expose workers to dermatitis and other skin disease because of several chemicals like WD40, Leak finder chemical.

Voltmeter of voltage source present in lab is damaged which can make worker unaware of the actual voltage at which he is working. Can cause burns and fire.

Unidentified and unmarked gas cylinders are getting utilized for some high pressure related job in pedestrian walkways.

Glass wares were placed at the top shelves (which are themselves made up of glass material) just above the worker’s walkway in laboratory. They can fall due to vibration or by any mean and can cause head injuries to the workers.

Workers can experience severe injury like skin cuts and abrasion due to presence of broken glass sheet at the workbench.

Corrosive and uninspected chain block can cause loosening of grip and lifted equipment can fall to the ground which can hit workers.

PSV Testing bench is placed at the entrance of pedestrian’s walk way which is very narrow can injure a person entering into that area who may get hit from this machine.

AC Power cables are taped from the burned area and also they are not concealed in conduit. Fire and electric shock pertains around this place.

No provision of first aid kit to address immediate injury in Lab.

Poor housekeeping throughout in the Lab can make workers fall and injured severely because instruments were being placed at floor in walk way instead of shelves.

No lifting and carrying equipment is present in Lab to carry dead loads which can make workers suffer with back pain. On a long run ligaments and tendons can get affected.

Hammer with loose handle was getting used in Lab. This can badly injure the worker if the handle become loose and get released.

Nitrogen gas was getting utilized during safety valves testing without any hazard or risk identification. Nitrogen gas is harmful and cause asphyxiation if its concentration is too high.

Nitrogen Cylinders are not inspected and haven’t market with their maximum capacity. Also they are corroded and placed in direct sunlight.  This condition of cylinders can be a hazard as they can explode if pressure inside the cylinder gets exceed.

LPG Cylinders are getting utilized near to that area where Nitrogen gas cylinders are placed which is not stored in an appropriate manner. They are corroded, not inspected and were lying on the floor. A fire or explosion hazard pertains due to improper storage and handling.

Waste and discarded materials like paper, board, wooden boxes, glass bottles, discarded chemicals and metal pieces were placed together outside near Lab in an open environment. No segregation or separation is defined and maintained. Fumes from that particular area can be cause of drowsiness, stress and asphyxiation.

Broken washroom tiles can make a worker to slid and injured badly in washroom.

Safe Practices

Provision of warm and cold drinks. Proper sitting area for the workers to release their stress and to take rest.

Placement of inspected fire extinguisher near entrance and exit points. Trainings have been provided to personals on the usage of fire extinguisher. Also safe use of extinguisher has also been mentioned near fire extinguisher with the help of printed chart.

Provision of free medical check-up to all employees where they can get themselves checked and can treat themselves without spending money on their own. A positive and healthy culture exists at work place.

Provision of smoke detectors inside the building.

Calibration stickers mentioned calibration date due date is present on all equipments in Laboratory.

Place cables near to the equipment in a tidy manner to ensure no further trip hazards.

Instructions and trainings should be provided for the safe use of working equipment. Safe practices should be mentioned in the lab related to every possible and critical equipment.

Clean the floor on urgent basis to avoid any slip incident.

Instructions and training on spill cleanup kits and proper housekeeping.

Replace the flickered desktop monitor with the new one.

Carry out work equipment assessment to ensure that every equipment is getting maintained. An inspection regime should be defined.

Replace damaged plug and socket with the new one and prohibit people working around that particular area.

Carry out detailed inspection and ensure user checks before commencement of any kind of activity which involves the usage of that particular equipment

Keep and maintain detailed record of that inspection.

Temporary exit route should be defined in case of an emergency.

Emergency exit routes should be designed, defined and maintained.

 Prohibit same worker from carrying those cylinders repetitively.

Trolleys should be used for safe movement. Health surveillance should be conducted

 Replace new chairs with the damaged ones

Carry out ergonomic assessment of the chairs and also conduct health surveillance

Stop doing such activities which can cause harm till all appropriate PPE gets available. Workers should be informed of possible hazards related to the particular chemical which they are using

Appropriate PPE specially overall should be provided.

Place signage “faulty equipment” so that no one uses that particular equipment. Hazard mark can also be placed.

Repair that voltage source by replacing damage voltmeter with new one.

Barricade the area and place proper signage where work is in progress and if possible stop performing the job.

Cylinders should be marked with the Gas type, capacity and pressure rating.  

Enforcement of safety hard hats on all workers working in that specific area.

Place glass wares in cupboard which should be closed.

Adequate PPE like cut resistant hand gloves should be used or work should not be performed around the broken piece.

Place new sheet with smooth edges on the work bench. Ensure its regular maintenance.

Carry out inspection of lifting equipment and assess the result.

Replace corroded chain block with the new chain block and ensure maintenance.

Place enough lighting and spot lights over machine so that people can see that equipment instantly.

Signage should be placed around that equipment.

Place equipment in separate proper workshop.

Hazard identification marking.

Barricade that area

Proper complete electrification

Provision of first aid kit

Maintenance of first aid kit

Equipments shall be placed in shelves

Training for proper housekeeping

Inspection regimes

Usage of proper lifting technique

Carry load in their boxes which have proper handle for lifting

Job rotation

Use trolleys to carry the dead loads

Replace damaged hammer with the new and proper instrument.

Proper training to the workers

Maintenance of equipment, user check up and inspection

Usage of safety masks or respiratory system.

Hazards and risk identification and proper training to workers in case of emergency.

Signposting for the hazards

Carry out inspections and place proper mark on them whether they are filled or unfilled.

Place them in well ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight; Maintain their temperature construct separate area away from main building. Segregate them.

Place them in well ventilated area away from nitrogen gas cylinders

Place them in upright position while using.

Proper trolleys for safe movement

Proper cages for safe storage. Carry out inspections, risk and hazard identification.

Removal of waste

Segregation of waste

Hazard identification

Face masks for workers around that area

Proper storage area

Repair broken tiles.

Adoption of maintenance regime

Maintain this standard and carry out ergonomic assessment of sitting facilities.

Maintain the inspection regime

Refresher training to persons who already have got trainings

Trainings to new persons

Maintain this standard.

Employers’ liability insurance can be defined in policy

Inspection regime should be defined

Keep record of maintenance

Maintain this standard

Write down all calibration details on register as well

Laboratory officials should be rewarded

On spot

Within one week

On spot

Within one week

Within one week

Every week

Within one week

Every time before operating

Every day

Within two weeks

Within 6 months

Within one week

Within two weeks

Within two weeks

Within one month


Immediately within 5 working days

As early as possible

Within one week

On spot

Within one week

Within same day

In one to two weeks

In one day

Within one week

Within one week

Within one month

Within one week

Within one week

In three months

within 1 day

within 1 day

within one week

within one week

Every fortnight

Within 2 days

In one week

Routine basis



Every day

In one week

In five days

Within three days


in one day


In one day

Within one week

Within three Months

In one day

On spot

In one week

In 2 months

As early as possible

In 2 days

In 2 days

On spot

In one week

In 2 days

Routine basis

Periodically every month

3 Months

1 Year

6 Months


3 months


As soon as possible

Within one month



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