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Human Resource Management - Small and Medium Enterprises

Essay by   •  December 16, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  3,701 Words (15 Pages)  •  1,543 Views

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Recruitment Advertisement



Topic 5 :

How SMEs face challenges in providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees.


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Literature Review

3.0 Analyze challenge that SMEs face & Provide sugestions to overcome the challenge.

4.0 Conclusion











Question 1: Recruitment Advertisement

        The advertisement is part of a wider recruitment process designed to attract suitable qualified candidates for a job. First, we will advertise the recruitment advertisement on internet. We choose advertise on internet because nowadays internet is very wide and easy reach the message to job candidates.

Next, we advertise the recruitment on internet because internet is totally free. We can create our own recruitment advertisement on company website or Job Street. Compare to other advertising methods such as television, radio or newspaper, internet is more costly and convenient.

Besides that, advertise the recruitment on internet because it is easy to sharing. We can share information faster compare to other advertising methods. We also can use social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to post our recruitment advertisement. They will all get the news or latest information at the same time. Not only that, we can make some simple video clips about recruitment on website or social media sites, it can let them easy understand and it is more cost efficiency compare to advertising on television. Compare to other advertising methods, internet is more costly and can reach the message to everywhere and every people. Internet is the best way to advertise the recruitment advertisement.



Question 2

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Definition of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human Resource Management is the procedure of acquiring new employee through recruitment and selection, giving employee needed training to improve their competencies within the job, evaluate the employee’s working performance, provide suitable compensation and benefits to employee, ensure the good relations with labour and trade unions, also keeping the employee good condition in terms of health and safety workplace. Through and through, HRM is also the procedure of legitimate and amplifying the use of accessible and limited workforce within the company. The center of motivation behind the HRM is to make productive and maximize the utilization of existing human asset in the company. (Human Resource Management,2015)

1.2 Importance of HRM

An association or company will not be able to form a decent group of working experts without great Human Resources. HRM functions such as recruiting and training the employee, periodically evaluating employee’s working performance, leading employee and ensure workplace safety within the company and others. All these functions bring in numerous advantage for the company.

   For Recruitment and Training, This is one of the important function of the HRM functions. The HR manager will think of arrangements and techniques for recruiting the right type of individuals. They outline the criteria which is most appropriate for a particular set of working responsibilities. The HR manager’s other responsibility that is linked to recruitment such as devising the duties of the employee and extending of duty handled to the employee itself. Taking into account for these two components, the agreement of employee with the organization will be assembled. Whenever required, they additionally give training to the workers based on the necessities of the company. By this, the staff individuals get the chance to grind their current abilities or


create specific aptitudes which thus, will help them to take up and brush some of their additional roles in the company.    

   Furthermore, in aspect of periodic evaluation of employee work performance, HRM supports the employee working in an association, to work as indicated by their potential and gives them recommendations that can help them to achieve changes in it. The manager will speaks with the staff independently every once in a while and gives all the essential data in regards to their exhibitions that furthermore characterizes their individual parts. This is valuable as it empowers them to frame a diagram of their foreseen objectives in much clearer terms and accordingly, offers them some assistance with executing the objectives with most ideal endeavors. It is very encouraging for the employees if performance appraising are always counted on common base.

   Somehow, maintaining the work atmosphere is an essential part of HRM.A decent working condition is one of the advantages that the employee can anticipate from a productive human resource group. A sheltered, perfect and sound environment can draw out the best in a worker’s performance. A favorable environment gives the employee the best pleasure in working too.

In a company, there are a few issues on which debate may emerge between the representatives and the businesses. You can say clashes are practically inescapable. In such a situation, it is the human resource manager are the expert and middle person to deal with those issues in an adequate way. They will first listen to complain or criticism of the workers. After that, they find a suitable way for them to sort it out. At the end of the day, they make careful and planned measurements or actions and keep things from going out of hands.



The obligation of building up great public relations is with a great HRM and maximizing it to maximum usage. HRM will arrange conferences, courses and different authority social events on behalf of the organization so as to develop good relationship with different business segments. Now and again, the HRM has a dynamic part in setting up the business and advertising arrangements for the business as well.( Importance of Human Resource Management,2015)

2.0 Literature Review



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