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Is This the Real-Life Story That Inspired Tupac’s “brenda’s Got a Baby?

Essay by   •  March 12, 2018  •  Essay  •  260 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,584 Views

Essay Preview: Is This the Real-Life Story That Inspired Tupac’s “brenda’s Got a Baby?

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Annotated bibliography

Latisha Wright


SW 2110

Tinsley, J. (2015, November 10). Is This the Real-Life Story That Inspired Tupac’s “Brenda’s Got a Baby?”. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from http://uproxx.com/webculture/tupac-brendas-gotta-baby-story/  http://uproxx.com/webculture/tupac-brendas-gotta-baby-story/

In Brenda’s got a baby. Tupac discuss a true story about a young twelve-year-old who has a baby by her cousin. Looking for love and money. She sells her body and sell drugs. He also mentions that she is not the only one going through this struggle. There are many people faced with these struggles every day.

 2. (2016, February 17). The Real Story Inspired Tupac for” Brenda’s Got a Baby”. Retrieved September 14, 2017, from https://2paclegacy.net/real-story-inspired-tupac-for-brendas-got-a-baby/ https://2paclegacy.net/real-story-inspired-tupac-for-brendas-got-a-baby/

The baby was rescued by a trash compactor in Brooklyn. As the baby cried maintenance men rushed right over before the baby was crushed. The baby was hidden in a pile a trash with his feet hanging through some newspapers. The baby was rushed to the hospital with the biblical cord still attached. The baby suffered from hypothermia. Brenda got pregnant from her older cousin and was terrified to tell her mother.

Hip-Hop & Politics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2017, from http://wordpress.clarku.edu/musc210-hhp/hip-hop-culture-politics-exploring-the-narrative-and-power-of-rap-lyrics/brendas-got-a-baby-tupac/ 

Tupac Shakur used his rap lyrics to tell a story about the inner city struggles of discrimination, inappropriate behavior in the neighborhood, and social issues the government and media. The government paints a picture that all inner-city residents live this way. Tupac used his music to encourage Black power. Tupac was murdered nineteen years ago. However, is one the most important and inspiring figures in rap music and Hip-Hop history.



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