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Japaneses Global Business Society

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January 27th 2011 Jordan Henderson Japanese Society

For the most part Sugimoto details the particular system of the business establishments of japan more like a textbook explaining what it is then a study on people and their life in the business world. Just like any part of our lives aspects of what we do (school, relationships, work ) tends to be reflected back on society depending on the individuals views. Even with American being a diverse arrangement of backgrounds you are still able to see a common theme from people born in that states compared to new residents. In Japan this ability is just as true here as in the U.S. Working is such a large part of everyday life the social structures can't help but be influenced from is. Understanding the policies that are used my both America and Japan then being able to see what people do from it.

With the American Corporate governance system it just a framework of rules and practices board of directors' use to kept the balance of stake holders relationship good with the company ("Corporate Governance Definition."). This is more controlled by committees and for the companies' benefit that might not even have connection to this business other than stock. As a provider of a kind of "finance guarantee" this processes is to insure company is getting a fair return on investments. All authority is in the hands of the Board of Directors to ensure owners and managers are clearly defined. Giving managers less to worry about paper wise and more focus time to reach the objective of the shareholders. ("Corporate Governance - Definition, Scope and Benefits.")By ways of keeping the board members happy and the companies function in a way the US system keeps' order an peace in the business world. From this we can start to see how thesis practices around the world balance out the needs to make owners happy and local economy.

Sugimono goes on to talk about The Japanese Keiretsu being a set of different businesses that hold interest in each other. This kind of network is set up around Japanese family traditions. In Britton this extended Family, favors are pasted between the companies to aid in make trading, loans, and other matters easier on Businesses (Britton 1). The original system was buying out politicians for contracts and taking advantage of markets/poor to kept their wealth changed to a more across the board approach. This is where the Horizontal/Vertical model comes from. The Horizontal Keiretsu are larger companies for distribution of goods around the world, find new markets, and incorporate fellow Keiretsu companies in other nations along with getting other companies in the world to have use for their industry. Todays' Vertical Keiretsu is groups of companies under the horizontal that depend on each other (Twomey).

The Significant differences are family dominated. The Family is seen as not only blood but to close family like groups that run companies ("countries of the world"). Family is not even brought up in the US mind set. To me this seems to be because of how much jobs weight on people. According the World Business Culture, Companies, like society are organized by hierarchy. This feeling of belonging to a group gives company's strength, purpose and proud sense of having a connection with other workers, much like a family. While world



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