Leadership Case
Essay by pelly211 • November 29, 2011 • Research Paper • 4,014 Words (17 Pages) • 2,374 Views
We are here to discuss issues that are related to one person‟s leadership areas of traits, character and areas of improvement. The issues discussed are mostly regarding the matters that one person‟s skills, knowledge and common practice within the management of an organisation.
Brief resume of the personality
Mr. Charles Simbolon (CS) was my superior for a period of five (5) years. Originally from Jakarta, Indonesia and part of the Panaraya conglomerate family. He is the eldest sibling in the family and will inherit the family business in due time. Currently, he is under the succession program to replace his father at the helm of the throne. The Panaraya group of companies has diversified investment ranging from upstream oil and gas, ammonia, property management and finance subsidiaries. (Alibaba, 2006, http:// www. alibaba.com /member /ptparnaraya/aboutus.html#companyprofile)
According to CS, currently the group of companies are earning a turnover of below USD$40 million per year. Graduated from Curtin University School of Business majoring in Sales and Marketing specialize in business ventures. (Charles Simbolon, 2009). The company has been in operation for the past 37 years since 1972.
He begin venturing into his family business as the Assistant to Executive Director (which is his father) was the Managing Director of PT Parna Agro Mas - Oil Palm Plantation and Mill operations in Kalimantan, Indonesia. He was the pioneer group in initiating the project and ensure a smooth operation transition from planting, harvesting and operation of the oil palm mill for crude palm oil. (Charles Simbolon, 2009, pp 1 -3)
As a leader he has being trained with extensive exposure from the local to the overseas business ventures. He has developed many successful teams from basic to transition as well succession prior leaving the company. He was involved in various setting up of companies to high level decision making at board of directors level.
During his tenure with the company, he has experienced various encounters of leadership problems and scenarios. The areas of concern were related to managing individuals, group and teams as a whole. He has been in the company for the past 12 years and unable to carry out his leadership skills and capabilities due to various factors and reasons. The management practice and style are totally different from what he believes in which along the way has shown to be a successful practice. (Charles Simbolon, 2009)
Personal traits and characteristic of Charles Simbolon.
CS understands the definition of leadership as a complex and elusive problematic. There are some evidence that at times are not always realistic. There are cases whereby that their problem actually turns to be disaster. (Charles Simbolon, 2009, pp 1 -3). He believes as a leader (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 4), is an influence process relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes and common visions. (Wood et al,2006, pp. 30 - 35)
Leadership involves creating change not maintaining the status quo. In addition, the changes sought are not dictated by leaders, but reflect purposes that leaders and followers share. Thus leadership involves the influence of people to bring about change toward a desirable future. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 4).
He believes the followers are the key of the leadership process. Leaders and followers are actively involved in the pursuit of change. Each person takes personal responsibility to achieve the desired future. Good followers are not "yes people" who blindly follow a leader. Leadership is shared among leaders and followers, which everyone fully engage and accepting higher level of responsibility. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 5)
Our company requires a paradigm shift to grow further, more focused as well to achieve better efficiency. The paradigm shift is important as a shared mindset that represents a fundamental way of thinking about, perceiving and understanding the world. (Wood et al,2006, pp. 40 - 41)
The current old guard managed the company based on the traits of stability, control, competition, uniformity, self centered and hero. It has been there for the past thirty seven years in reign and Charles believed with his own set of traits such as change and crisis management, empowerment, collaboration, diversity, higher ethical purpose and being humble to others. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 7)
He understood that leaders in powerful position once thought workers should be told what to do and how to do it. The current family member‟s management style with strict control was needed for the organisation to function efficiently. Rigid organizational hierarchies, structured jobs and work processes and detailed, inviolate procedures let everyone know that those at the top had power and those at the bottom had none. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 8)
He also believed what a leader should be is calm, steady in the face of crisis, strong but compassionate, honest and diplomatic. (Rudolph Giuliani and Ken Kurson, 2008). He also understands that developing and communicates strong beliefs and a leader must bring people on board, excite them about his vision and earn their support.
Leaders must accept responsibility and performing jobs honestly as well as effectively. Leaders need to be surrounded by great people such as best people they can possibly find, motivate them, provide them with challenges and opportunities to grow and direct their energies toward positive outcomes. Leaders must not leave important decisions to the experts, he always ensure that all vital decisions will involved his personal views and options prior derive to the final decisions. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 10)
He looks forward to collaboration with other organisation so that companies and create value jointly rather than as autonomous entities in competition with others. The business develops from the networks of independent companies that share financial risks, leadership talents and provide access to another technologies and markets. (Richard L. Daft, 2008, p. 11)
The current company management emphasis on individual ability as what is belief by his father, success and prosperity has sometimes pushed people to cross the line, culminating in organizational in organizational corruption on a broad scale and ugly headlines exposing leaders from companies.
As the