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Essay by   •  March 3, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,794 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,922 Views

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Liberalism plays a major part in contemporary American politics today. It is quite relevant to our government and country currently because the majorities in power are of the Democratic Party most of who prescribe to the philosophy and beliefs of Liberalism. Liberalism and its meaning in America has evolved over history but according to Merriam Webster's dictionary the actual definition is: a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration (improvement) of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class).

Liberalism made huge strides in the early 1930's brought about mostly by Franklin D. Roosevelt and his far reaching plan to combat economic and social ills, called the New Deal. It ushered in a new era of social programs and developed a new sense of "entitlements" and rights to government aid such as Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare and Social Security. Since then we have in some regards become a welfare state. We have seniors who have not properly saved for retirement and are living and depending completely on Social Security. Social Security was meant to be a safety net for the few infirm, disabled and feeble. Now it unsustainable and a few years away from being completely bankrupt. It has slowly changed the character of our country, from pulling yourself up by the boot straps to a sense of "gimme what is owed to me it's my right".

Somewhere in the 60's and 70's a Liberal wave swept over younger generations. It was a time of liberal ideas first birthed from American Universities and spread like rapid fire throughout the country. We had war protests; Woodstock, an ever expanding drug culture and a new mentality of "if it feels good do it". Liberalism brought a lot of social changes during this time. We saw abortions allowed, feminism rise and a new Anti-American sentiment among some. It is said that change is good. It definitely keeps things interesting

Many important decisions and laws come about through our legal system and what some call "activist judges" who are appointed for life. Appointing judge s to the bench has always been a contentious process in American politics. It is known how it can so deeply change the American landscape. Cases that the Supreme Court hears and decide on can have long lasting repercussions for example, Roe vs. Wade which allowed abortions to become legal and changed our society. A Liberal activist judge in Wisconsin recently voted in favor of an atheist group's case saying that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. While conservatives are often quoted as saying that we should strictly follow the constitution as is. Liberals say it is a living document meant to be interpreted in these ever changing times.

Liberalism believes that social change can better the quality of people's lives and happiness. This sounds all good and like a lofty goal, but how realistic is it? And who knows more about the individual's happiness, our government or themselves? It could be an instance of big brother gone wrong. The more control given over to the government the less control American's have over their own lives and future. This is a scary prospect. Our government was founded on principles of freedom and the individual's pursuit of happiness. Our forefathers fought for our freedom and democracy. They believed that the less government intervened, the better. They believed strongly in separation of powers. Separation of powers should exist between the individual states and federal government as well. Liberalism is to the contrary, Liberals believe they know more and can handle all matters, if American taxpayers just pay more taxes and then our government will take care of us as they see fit and fair. It could almost be considered redistribution of wealth, a socialist concept.

Who would think that in order to get America out of debt our government needs to spend more? Normally, if your household is swamped with money problems, you would tighten the belt, stop eating out, spending on frivolous things and skip the big time entertainment on the weekends. But for some odd reason, our government officials adopted some different and puzzling strategies to attempt to control our economic tailspin. In the past year Liberal politicians have pushed through their agenda which has consisted of a bailout of banks, the mortgage industry, the car industry, and two injections of stimulus packages. Unfortunately it seems that so far these policies have done little to get the economy going again. Too many Americans are still feeling the squeeze financially. Unemployment is still at around 10%, foreclosures are at record highs and food banks resources are drained. And



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