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Management Roles Paper

Essay by   •  December 9, 2012  •  Essay  •  607 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,795 Views

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Management Roles Paper

The two organizations that I have chosen to review are Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Cayce, Inc. and Lexington School District Two. The organizations are not very similar except the fact they both have a governing board.

Mt. Zion employs a total of fifteen employees. Two of the employees are fulltime and thirteen of the employees are part-time. The Pastor (CEO) is at the top of the hierarchy with the Executive Ministry Assistant (Assistant Pastor) next in line. The Church Administrator who currently, happens to be the Chairman of the Deacon Body is the number three person on the hierarchy. The Deacon Body which is the governing body of the church is number four in line. The hierarchy does work because the Pastor is respected as the spiritual leader. The Pastor's job in the eyes of God is to lead his flock and that is what he does. Everyone in a leadership position at Mt. Zion have specific duties and responsibilities. They respect one another and they do what they fulfill their duties without reluctance.

In certain situations, the Pastor makes the decisions, in certain situations, the Church Administrator makes the decisions, and in certain situations, the Deacon Body makes the decisions. The Pastor usually makes the decisions concerning what goes on during the worship services. The Executive Ministry Assistant makes the decisions in the absence of the Pastor. The Church Administrator makes the decisions concerning the day to day operation of the church. The Deacon Body meets once per month to discuss and make decisions concerning the individual church ministries and the decisions that affect the entire church body as a whole.

Mt. Zion does not have an IT person or department. If there is a problem, it would be the Church Administrator or the Church Administrative Assistant's responsibility to detect what the problem is and correct the problem if possible. If the problem is too technical, the Church Administrative Assistant will contact an IT person from a perspective company to make the necessary repairs. The employees at Mt. Zion use five computers, a PowerPoint projector, and other technological equipment on a regular basis. There is a computer lab that has ten desktop computers.

Lexington School District Two has more than five hundred employees and consists of two high schools, four middle schools, nine elementary schools, two early childhood centers, and one alternative/adult education school. Computers are located in all of the schools, the district office, the maintenance office, and the transportation office. Each school contains a computer lab in which the students attend on a daily basis. Each elementary and middle school class attends the computer lab weekly but the high school students attend computer class daily if it is one of their electives. There are computers in each classroom. The teachers are practicing integrating



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