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Manmade Global Warming: Fact or Fiction

Essay by   •  July 12, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,808 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,468 Views

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Manmade Global Warming: Fact or Fiction

Abstract 2

For many years now, the subject of global warming has been the cause of heated debates throughout the world. The theory is based on the idea that greenhouse gasses are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise. Debates have covered its causes and effects, and whether or not it actually exists and is a true threat to the planet. One of the most popular theories being debated is the "greenhouse effect" which is caused by greenhouse gasses - naturally occurring gasses such as water vapor, methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide. As the Earth is a living planet, it is constantly undergoing change. While some believe some do believe that we as humans are the cause of global warming, others believe that the there may be cyclical changes in temperature and weather on our planet, they occur naturally and not affected by humans in any real way.

Manmade Global Warming: Fact or Fiction 3

Global warming is a phenomenon that refers to the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the environment due to manmade activity. The buildup of carbon dioxide causes atmospheric temperature to rise, which causes sea level to rise, and carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean and polar ice. Climate changes occur in our earth's atmosphere due to a buildup of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases can occur naturally as well as a result of human activities. Problems can occur when higher concentrations of greenhouse gases are present in our atmosphere.

The main cause of global warming is thought to be the "greenhouse effect" that is mainly caused by humans. With an increase in temperature glaciers worldwide are melting faster than the time taken for new ice layers to form, sea water is getting hotter and expanding causing sea levels to rise, rivers overflow due to melting glaciers causing floods, forest fires are on the rise, and innumerable undesired effects are taking place due to global warming critics say. The greenhouse effect takes place when certain gases in the atmosphere of the earth trap heat. The term 'greenhouse' is used because light is allowed to reach the earth, but most of the heat generated is not allowed to escape, just as in a greenhouse. The more the

Manmade Global Warming: Fact or Fiction 4

greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more heat will be trapped within the earth's atmosphere, causing average earth temperatures to rise. One thing to remember when talking about greenhouse gases and global warming is that the greenhouse effect has been operating since the beginning of time. Without the effect, the surface of the earth would be -20 degrees Celsius, and if that were the case, oceans would have frozen and there would be no life on earth.

Many people believe global warming could, or is, playing havoc with the world's climate, threatening ecosystems and marine life, and affecting human health and well-being. They also claim that the increased industrialization over the past century is one of the main culprits in causing this phenomenon along with other sources of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere from car exhaust, smokestacks, chimneys and other sources of air pollution. Deforestation due to industry exacerbates the problem as well, and the list goes on. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that the National Academy of Science has verified that the Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years with the warming increasing primarily in the last two decades. Scientist around the world is saying that

Manmade Global Warming: Fact or Fiction 5

within these last two decades the problems of atmospheric change have been gravely advanced by pollution resulting from these human activities, and these environmental changes pose a real threat to the lives of people and wildlife. Going back to one of the major claims of global warming "Industrialization and the use of fossil fuels" has definitely progressed by humans. There is no doubt that the burning of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide, which stay in the atmosphere for thousands of years and trap sunlight. But the big question/concern is that, do the man made causes overpower the natural causes of global warming?

Whenever the subject of global warming is brought up, the argument of if it is fact or fiction becomes a major discussion. Not everyone believes that global warming is happening, and it seems that there are two groups of people. There are people who understand the hazards of global warming and people who feel that the whole issue of global warming is nonexistent. Both sides have arguments with a substantial amount of claims and to support their stand and oppose the stand of the



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