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Mommy Goes to College

Essay by   •  June 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  682 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,789 Views

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As the title, Mommy Goes to College, suggests, I am a 24/7 mother and that is the drive behind my passion to further my education. My son, now 7 months old, is the smartest little boy and I know it will only be a matter of years before he passed the minimal amount of knowledge I still remember from grade school.

So as I was sitting with my husband, watching our little miracle begin to crawl for the first time I asked myself 'how will I keep up with him?' but I also find myself asking 'what am I doing to secure he is well taken care of in his future?'

I'm sure that most parents ask that question but as half of a dual military couple the possibility that daddy might not come home from work sky rockets, or at least it seems that way many days.

The reality has forced me to ask 'what if daddy doesn't come home? Would we be ok financially?' and the most honest answer I could give to that question is that I just don't know. So I decided to work towards opening my own business and turn that uncertainty into a definite yes.

I found it little ironic that the answer to both of my questions lies in the same place: college.

It's hard to think of raising a 7 month old, working a full time job and going to college but it just can't wait! It's already been years and you know what they say 'use it or loose it'.

So I closed my eyes and took a leap of faith and not 12 days later I started my first class, this one.

The idea of starting a class that soon made me wonder if I could not only keep up with the class on my already tight schedule but could I really pass?

I looked at what I have that could help me get the most out of going back to school and I made a list:

1. I write for a living so essays should be easy enough

2. I'm a good reader and seem to have good comprehension skills

3. I want to help others succeed at their goals

But I had to stop and think, 'is that enough to pass a class' and I really don't believe that it is.

So I thought again. I may have no time and only a little money but I realized that I have something even more important than that to help me ensure I succeed, something the military helped instill in me.

I have the drive, the passion and the dedication to be the best mom I can be and to me that means being an educated mom. That means being a mom who has accomplishments and goals that stood no chance against my drive and will to succeed. It means being able to look my son in the face and tell him I want him to go to college and when he asks why I can tell him that I did it and I succeeded.

Although being



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