Multiple Choice Questions
Essay by yadonwo • June 24, 2013 • Study Guide • 1,127 Words (5 Pages) • 3,725 Views
Part one.
1. The peak of muscular strength occurs during the middle twenties.
2. Compare to other age groups, emerging and young adults have the highest rates of exercise.
3. Sleep deprivation may lead to premature aging.
4. Alcoholism has a high cure rate when treated by a combination of medication, education, and psychotherapy.
5. The less schooling people have, the greater the likelihood of heart disease or other chronic disease.
6. One of the benefits of being married is living longer.
7. A heightened sense of well-being and less stress are experienced by individuals who have good medical insurance.
8. According to a nationally representative survey, 95% of adults have had premarital sex by age 20.
9. Some investigators have proposed a distinctly adult stage of cognition beyond Piaget's formal operations called postformal thought.
10. One criterion of postformal thought proposed by Sinnott is the awareness that problems have more than one solution.
11. The ability to recognize and deal with one's own feelings and the feelings of others is called emotional intelligence.
12. A strong degree of self-awareness is a component of high emotional intelligence.
13. In order to act on emotions or emotional intelligence, people must make cognitive judgements.
14. A review of research on moral development in adulthood found that gender differences are significant in adulthood but not in adolescence.
15. The theories of both Kolberg and Gillian put responsibility to others at the highest level of moral thought.
16. Students' likelihood of completing college may depend on their motivation.
17. Research studies have shown that when students work more than 15 to 20 hours a week at a job, it seems to have a negative effect on their academic achievement.
18. In the 1960s, young people in the United States typically finished school, left home, got a job, married, and had children. By the 1990s, only 15% of emerging adults followed this sequence
19. Recentering refers to the process that underlies the shift to an adult identity.
20. Trait model focuses on metal, emotional, temperamental, and behavioral attributes.
21. Currently, developmentalists who ascribe to the normative-stage model believe that people continue to follow a sequence of age-related changes throughout childhood.
22. According to Erikson, a young woman who passes through adolescence without developing a strong sense of personal identity will have problems with intimacy.
23. Dr. Dunn supports the normative-stage model according to the text provided.
24. Bill, age 30, is at the intimacy versus isolation stage according to Erikson's theory as he is trying to search for the right woman to share his life and future with.
25. Aspects of Erikson's theory have been criticized do not include, he places too much emphasis on sexual strivings.
26. Levinson calls the underlying pattern of a person's life, life structure.
27. Levinson's theory proposes that eras in life are connected by transitional periods
28. Predictable changes in adult personality are at the heart of the normative-stage model.
29. The cultural expectations for the proper timing of life events, such as getting married or retiring, are called the social clock.
30. The five factor model of personality emphasizes stability of personality characteristics over much of adult life.
31. A cluster of traits of anxiety, hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, and vulnerability is called extraversion.
32. Conflicted personality does not reflect the typological model of personality.
33. People who are observed as having adaptability under stress