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Music Video Symbolism

Essay by   •  October 1, 2012  •  Essay  •  780 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,851 Views

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Music Video Symbolism

In this generation, music is very much prevalent, and in wide use throughout many cultures and societies of the world. Music can be described as a form of art in which an individual can portray their thoughts in a sometimes arbitrary way. Take Rihanna's music video

Umbrella for example. The music video Umbrella is much more complex than what most people have accepted at face value. The video tells the story of victory by the demonic entity "Rain Man" who wishes to control and therefore destroy humanity on earth through Rihanna.

First, there are six female entities in the opening scenes of the umbrella video; Rihanna is seen dressed in white. At the end of the video there are six male entities: Rihanna is seen dressed in black. These six male entities are the children of Rihanna and the rapist "Rain Man". In the video Rihanna is touched by a fluid. This fluid is a symbolic representation of "Rain man's" chrome seminal fluid. Rihanna is touched a total of six times, symbolic for rape and each time results in the birth of a male entity. The six female entities, six male entities and Rihanna being raped six times is a symbolic representation of the numbers 6, 6 and 6. The combination of the numbers 6, 6 and 6 represents Lucifer, or Satan. The "Rain man" in the music video Umbrella is Satan.

Second, in the world of the occult the upwards facing triangle or pyramid is often a symbolic representation of the masculine energy. In some cases the upward facing triangle

symbolizes the star gate or portal phenomena as evidence in the Egyptian obelisk and pyramids at Giza. The raped Rihanna is inside the triangle or pyramid. This signifies that she is completely enveloped or possessed by the masculine energy of the "Rain man" entity. It can also be extrapolated from here that in order for the raped Rihanna to give birth to "Rain man's" children a transdimensional conduit, star gate or portal, must be open so that the children of the rapist "Rain man" can manifest into the earthly plain.

Finally, Rihanna the good girl is sexually assaulted and raped by the entity known as "Rain man". As a result, Rihanna the good girl becomes pregnant. She ultimately conceives to the will of the "Rain man" entity, subjecting herself to possession. But in the process of her tragic ordeal something happens that is psychologically profound. Not only does the possessed Rihanna give birth to six of her rapist children, she also develops an affinity for her rapist. So profound is her psychological disorder that she beckons for her rapist "Rain man" to enter her again. The last shot of the video shows the possessed Rihanna with her hands outstretched towards the heavens in an obvious act of worship or praise. The raped and possessed Rihanna



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