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My Ultimate Purpose

Essay by   •  March 25, 2013  •  Essay  •  1,513 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,260 Views

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My Ultimate Purpose

Success has infinite definitions.( ;period, not semicolon) It all comes down to who is defining the term. In my case, success accounts for is reaching that point of satisfaction in what I do, and being doing my best at it. After successfully completing two other degrees, I finally figured out what I want to do in life. I am completing my last semester of pre-requisites for my nursing program, knowing that this field is indeed something I take great interest. In)(dangling participle) Throughout my search, I have found that addiction medicine is what I love. and feel I feel I am on the right road to be the achieve success.

I am eager to start achieving my long term goals as of becoming a nurse practitioner. or nurse anesthetist. As I get closer to graduating and moving up in into the addictions field , I find myself reading and researching things such as addiction, diseases, people, health, science, viruses, and more. I am most interested in the addiction and pregnancy. I hope to continue to learn about the short and long term effects that substance abuse can have on a fetus. I can honestly say that I have found my passion. I cannot wait to treat patients and find more about their addictions, and ways to help them successfully complete addiction treatment. My long-term goal is to become a nurse practitioner. I can truly say that I am not doing this for the money. I have many loves loved ones in my family that have suffered from addiction. I grew up hearing all types of things and see saw addicts being treated as if they are simply a piece of trash on the street. The stigma that is attached to addiction is horrible, and I hope to be one of many that work to change this stigmization. (beautiful sentence) My desire is to simply help those that are in need, and often times making put a voice to a silent cry that is often never heard. I plan to continue to work with those who do not have the resources to receive the care they so desperately need; those who lack the education or finances and compassion necessary to obtain treatment. treat them, I want to help prevent further damage to their lives, and work to help them make amends for those that they have hurt when they were active in their addictions. I hope to continue to education people and their families on the disease of addiction and help them understand the risks associated with addiction. My job will not only consist of medical abilities but communication between my patients, their families, and myself. I hope to treat as many addicts as I can and save their lives from long-term complications and diseases, and as I guide them through their recovery process, especially women that are pregnant. I dream for my own facility, one such as The Center for Drug Free Living, Inc. (CFDFL). I started working at CFDFL approximately 7 years ago at their residential program for women and infants. I feel fell in love with the women, the children, and the field immediately. The appreciation and understanding I gained from the women I had the opportunity to work with at this facility is indescribable. I knew that in order to work with addicts you have to have the love and compassion of a selfless person. During my first year, I met the human definition of these characteristics, Dr. Stacy Seikel. Compassion is said to mean "to suffer together", (period, not comma)I saw Dr. Seikel suffering with these women who were struggling with addiction and giving her all in every patient she saw. Just like Dr. Seikel, I believe in giving to receive and that is exactly what I am aiming for, even if receiving is just a simple thank you in the years to come. I want to help my patients with their most important asset, their health, both mental and physical in order to obtain personal satisfaction by doing what I love.

For the past six generations, ( six generation would be your kids (or nieces and nephews), you, your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents)many of my family members have struggles struggled with addiction. I



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